Steph Sherer, Founder and President of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), discusses the prevalence, challenges and treatments for chronic pain management.
Sam Mountney, Senior Policy & Campaigns Officer at Epilepsy Action, shares his expertise on cannabis-based medicines as a treatment for epilepsy in the UK.
Dr Shiksha Gallow, Medical Director of Biodata and Head Researcher at Cannabis Oil Research, provides evidence-based research on cannabinoids for treating MS and Prostate Cancer.
Here, we discover that the European Medicines Agency works to foster scientific excellence in the evaluation and supervision of medicines for the benefit of public and animal health in the European Union.
Here, we discover the World Health Organization perspective on cannabidiol (CBD), including how there has been a shift in how CBD is socially perceived following reports and recommendations.
Investment Manager at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Michael Prytz, charts the rapid development of the medical cannabis market in Europe and provides a look at the Danish model in this vein.
Laura Clews, Managing Associate at IP attorneys Mathys & Squire, analyses the protection for innovative new products in the medical cannabis & CBD sector.
Dr Nikos Xynos, PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences/Natural Products Chemistry and MD a Nomad Labs, explores the various pathways to cannabinoid extraction, refining and purification technologies.