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Carbon Capture

New study explores new forest management to reduce wildfire risks

New research conducted by researchers at Florida Atlantic University as revealed new ways to reduce the risks of devastating wildfires while promoting healthier forests and combating climate change.

Tropical peatland restoration will not harm palm oil farmers

Restoring tropical peatlands - which support bird diversity - would not affect the livelihoods of palm oil farmers.

The reality of carbon capture utilisation technology 

Carbon capture technology is mostly marketed as a beneficial solution to the emission crisis, yet the technology in reality uses too much energy.

Natural regeneration can rapidly re-grow tropical forests

Allowing forests to naturally re-grow has been shown to be an effective strategy in tropical forests, reversing deforestation at a fast rate.

Environmentally friendly fuel cells to capture 99% of carbon dioxide

Researchers use hydrogen fuel cells for carbon capture, bringing environmentally friendly fuel cells to transportation and technology.

Climate change affects the photosynthesis of carbon-storing mosses

Scientists find that peatland mosses are affected by temperature, so weather conditions could significantly reduce their ability to store carbon.

How can we make a truly green and sustainable recovery?

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, explains how using an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) could be the key helping customers ensure the sustainability of their everyday choices.

Planning with climate change: Combining climate mitigation and adaptation decisions

AXIS Research Programme Coordinator Rolf von Kuhlmann explains why connecting scientific disciplines with society is crucial for climate change policy.

Everything you need to know about carbon offsetting

In this environment focus, we explain everything you need to know about carbon offsetting from what is it, why it is so important and how it can help improve environmental issues.

Human influence is a key agent of future ocean warming patterns

Scientists found that circulation changes on ocean warming patterns will decrease in influence, which may alter sea level rise predictions.

New technology could turn CO2 waste emissions into useful materials

A new technology has been developed by engineers from UNSW to help convert CO2 waste emissions into chemical building blocks to make products like plastics and fuels.

How carbon offsetting fits into a decarbonisation strategy

Alex Massies, Principal Consultant and George Beechener, Offsetting Specialist, explain why they think carbon offsets have an important role to play in the transition to a low carbon economy and why organisations should be mindful when buying them.

OECD: Discussing the Zero Carbon Bill, agriculture and climate change

Here, two policy analysts from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) talk to Open Access Government about the Zero Carbon Bill.

UK becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions laws

The UK today became the first major economy to pass net zero emissions laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050.

UK invests £21.5 million into carbon capture technology

Energy Minister Claire Perry has announced that the UK is to lead an international challenge with Saudi Arabia and Mexico to remove carbon from emissions

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide

Carbon capture brought to the forefront of the UK’s climate targets

Carbon capture and storage is a key player in the challenge to meet reduced emission targets by 2015, according to the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI)


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