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Carbon Emissions

Low-carbon mobility-as-a-service converges with energy prosumption for future cities

Isaac Premsingh, Research Director at Everest Group, discusses how low-carbon mobility-as-a-service converges with energy prosumption for the cities of the future.

The Africa connection

Finding sustainable battery materials to keep Europe’s electrification clean, its conscience clear and its energy transition on track.

TED Gen: The Combined heat and power revolution

Here, TED Generation (TED Gen) explains how to improve the economic and environmental future of your business – using Combined heat and power (CHP) to decrease energy costs and rewrite carbon footprints.

Sustainable fashion is possible, if we embrace mass customisation

To combat mass production in fashion, researchers suggest a shift to mass customisation instead – which could work, if consumers are willing to wait...

30,000 year-old carbon deposits are thawing in Siberia

Carbon, freeze-locked under ice over 30,000 years ago, is now thawing and being released into the climate as greenhouse gases.

Afforestation in temperate rainforests could lessen climate change

As the UK is unlikely to meet its tree target through natural means alone, scientists look at measures of afforestation through natural expansion.

Paris Agreement: Are governments doing enough to tackle deforestation?

While schemes to tackle deforestation have been moderately successful, their impact has been "tiny" compared to the promises of the Paris Agreement.

Polyculture farming for marine aquaculture’s climate impact

Researchers looking at the climate impact of aquaculture find that food production can sustain a lower carbon footprint - with polyculture farming techniques.

Did the COVID-19 lockdown affect pollution exposure?

Using a new modelling method to measure finer levels of nitrogen dioxide, a study finds that people had less exposure to pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns globally.

CO2 ventilation monitors to control COVID-19 in schools

In a new UK Government initiative to reduce the spread of COVID, schools across the UK have received CO2 monitors for better ventilation.

Climate change affects the photosynthesis of carbon-storing mosses

Scientists find that peatland mosses are affected by temperature, so weather conditions could significantly reduce their ability to store carbon.

Scientists examine the impact of deforestation on tropical governments

Panama and other governments of tropical countries set out to understand how to inhibit deforestation and deliver reforestation tactics following the COP26 conference.

UK pushes for lower carbon emissions in the built environment

New homes and buildings are to produce much less carbon emissions in order to help the UK move towards its net zero goals.

Delivering sustainable traffic management & control solutions

Gavin Trimnell, Sales Director, explains how Yunex Traffic’s systems help authorities to drive down carbon emissions and costs.

Science-based solutions for climate change and air quality research

Academic experts from the University of Helsinki, Finland, examine the vital work of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship, including climate change and air quality.

Impact of air pollution on children’s health

Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, and Andy Ratcliffe, Executive Director of Programmes at Impact on Urban Health, discuss the devastating effect air pollution has on children’s health, and why poor air quality is an unacceptable example of inequality in action.

Coastal seas & their role towards Net-Zero 2050

Experts from GERICS explain what we need to know about coastal seas and their role towards the Net-Zero 2050 target. First, we learn how...


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