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Carbon Emissions

Low-carbon mobility-as-a-service converges with energy prosumption for future cities

Isaac Premsingh, Research Director at Everest Group, discusses how low-carbon mobility-as-a-service converges with energy prosumption for the cities of the future.

What measures are being taken to help the UK hit net zero?

Here, SEAT servicers, Vindis, examine the various areas amendments which have been made, and what needs to be done to help Britain hit net zero.

A priority for Europe: Energy Union and climate change

Energy Union and climate as a priority of the European Commission are placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government.

Hydrogen for transport in London

Dennis Hayter from Hydrogen London explores the extent of hydrogen-powered transport in the capital city of the UK, London.

Achieving zero-carbon with deep-sea minerals

Professor Bramley J Murton, Associate Head of Marine Geosciences from National Oceanography Centre, discusses if deep-sea minerals can meet the zero-carbon challenge, in this article.

The need for a robust infrastructure & strong ambitions for hydrogen in Norway

Norway has set out a clear ambition to reduce the emissions from the transport, maritime and industry sectors. This requires multiple solutions where hydrogen plays a vital role. There is a strong focus to reduce emissions within the maritime sector and hydrogen is seen as a vital part of the solution.

Waste collection fleets: The future is electric

Electric solutions for waste collection fleets are no longer pie-in-the-sky, writes Stuart Cudden from RCV manufacturer Geesinknorba.

Renewable energy is not enough: Paper highlights what more is needed to reach climate targets

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a new paper, in collaboration with Material Economics, revealing the need for a fundamental shift in the global approach to reach climate targets.

Emissions-based parking: Delivering cleaner, healthier cities

Peter O’Driscoll, Managing Director of RingGo, argues that emissions-based parking is delivering cleaner, healthier cities.

50 NGOs call on EU leaders to protect the ocean

NGOs are calling on senior leaders in the European Union to protect the ocean, in addition to focusing on CO2 emissions when fighting climate change.

Transitioning to a green economy: Is carbon offsetting the answer?

When it comes to transitioning to a green economy and carbon offsetting, William Richardson, Founder and Managing Director of Green Element provides his thoughts.

Bioinorganic studies of multi-electron redox processes

Bioinorganic studies of multi-electron redox processes, from fundamental research to applications in a future renewable energy infrastructure.

PM Boris Johnson awards £1 billion of aid funding to climate change scientists

British scientists and innovators will be able to access £1 billion of aid funding to develop new technology targeted at tackling climate change in developing countries.

Cities are partners in a common future for Europe

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES argues that cities are partners in a common future for Europe.

Human rights law requires countries to cut carbon emissions

Five UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies warn that States must act to cut carbon emissions or be in breach of their obligations.

Power to gas: The steps from theory to practice

The European research project STORE&GO at the finish line and about to publish a roadmap for the future integration of power-to-gas technology, writes Dr Frank Graf from the DVGW Research Centre at the Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Government invests over £500m in green technologies

Ministers have announced more than £500 million of investments in green technologies to help create a cleaner and healthier Britain.


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