Carbon Emissions refer to the release of Carbon Dioxide gas into the atmosphere. CO2 is produced through the burning of carbon based fossil fuels such as the coal, fuel and oil used in most homes and power stations. Petrol, diesel and jet fuel also produce high levels of CO2.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas meaning it traps the heat from the sun in the atmosphere and warms the earth. However, the increasing levels of CO2 are the causes of the surface temperature increase related to Global Warming.
Carbon Footprint
The amount of Carbon Emissions you release into the atmosphere is known as your Carbon Footprint. The amounts of electricity and fuel used equate to your footprint. The main additions to your carbon footprint come from, how you travel on a daily basis, the amount of electrical appliances you use and the type and amount of electricity you use at to heat your home.
Isaac Premsingh, Research Director at Everest Group, discusses how low-carbon mobility-as-a-service converges with energy prosumption for the cities of the future.
Sandy Avrutin, Ocean and Earth Science Postgraduate Researcher, National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton, describes the uncertainty in sea-level rise, what it is & how we can use it as a tool.
Updates to the Castle Hill Hospital in Hull show that solar powered hospitals may be the next step towards net zero health in the NHS decarbonisation strategy.
Charlie Preece discusses Revolution-ZERO’s mission to displace the global single-use PPE and medical textiles market with more effective, economic and sustainable alternatives.
Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment at NHS Property Services (NHSPS), describes the path to net-zero when it comes to decarbonising the NHS estate.
The Horizon 2020 project CLARA, coordinated by the Technical University of Darmstadt, investigates a novel gasification technology to provide sustainable second-generation biofuels for the transportation sector in order to move it towards CO2 neutrality.
Dave Howell, U.S. Department of Energy’s Principal Deputy Director of the Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains Office and Director of the Vehicle Technologies Office...
Methane emissions have been increasing rapidly in recent years, but a study finds policymakers often neglect this information when addressing climate change.