Child Health

£62 million to investigate the health effects of vaping on young people

A new major research project will explore the long-term health impacts of vaping on children and young adults.

Mental health and medication: The importance of perspective

Peter Kinderman, from Mental Health Europe, looks at mental health medication and how we need a new perspective on care

New plans to reduce childhood obesity in the UK unveiled

An investment of £5 million has been announced by the Department of Health for a new childhood obesity policy research unit The new unit at...

UK’s poorest children ‘2 years behind’ at GCSE

New research suggests that the very poorest children in the UK falling further behind their peers is at its lowest level since 2007

Poverty and its impact on the health of children

One of the main risks to children’s health is living in poverty, says Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s Professor Russell Viner

Reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity in Finland

Childhood obesity can cause major health problems in later life. Open Access Government highlights how Finland is tackling the growing health challenge

The government unveils plans to promote cycling and walking

A £1.2 billion programme set out by the government aims to restore walking and cycling as the ‘go to’ method of transport for short journeys

Early learning and behaviour research at the US NICHD

Research on early learning and behaviour translates into effective interventions and care, says Dr James A Griffin of the NICHD at the US National...

Through the looking-glass: Endocrine disruption and child health

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi at the Italian National Health Institute discuss the need for further research on endocrine disruption and child health When assessing...

Do we need specialist training for interviewers of child victims?

Based on her research, Dr Kim Roberts of Wilfrid Laurier University stresses the need for specialist training for interviewers of child victims of abuse There...

What do we know about cognitive development in infancy?

Research into cognitive development in infancy has thrived over recent years, but there’s still a lot we don’t know, as UCLA Professor Scott P...

Umbilical cord blood: A life enhancer for all babies

Judith Mercer and Debra-Erickson Owens have found positive changes after a short delay in cord clamping, indicating the benefits of umbilical cord blood When cord...

How adolescent experiences influence adulthood: The LifE Study

The LifE Study is investigating how our adolescent experiences influence adulthood by following the lives of individuals over the course of 30 years The data...

Obesity in children: Government needs to do more

The current strategy will not be enough to tackle overweight and obesity in children, insists Professor Neena Modi, President of RCPCH This time last year...

Be Food Smart app to help with healthier choices for kids

The Be Food Smart app, Public Health England’s latest Change4Life campaign, aims to help parents make healthier food and drink choices for their children Following...

How Europe should act on childhood obesity

Nikolai Pushkarev, Policy Officer at the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), outlines the importance of tackling obesity in children. We are drowning in declarations, strategies and...

Tackling cancer in children and adolescents

Professor Giles Vassal, President of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology outlines why it is crucial for Europe to come together and tackle and prevent...


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