Max Halford, Clinical Lead at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, discusses the impact of the pandemic on children’s eyesight across the UK.
"The study team were hugely disappointed," says Dr Linmarie Sikich, whose team found that oxytocin is actually an ineffective treatment for children with autism.
Rachael Smith, from Tidemill Academy, tells us about the schools initiative to fight the unhealthy high street and improve child obesity rates with physically active learning.
The University of Oxford found that teenagers with depression "mute" upsetting information, while depressed adults do not have the same coping mechanism.
In a study conducted on babies in New York, scientists found that babies contain 10 times as many microplastics as adults - raising serious questions about how exposure happens.
Hassan Sherbaz, Solutions Architect at Connexin, explains how smart monitoring solutions can help schools make informed decisions about ventilation across their buildings to protect students.