Chronic pain can affect a person’s life in a myriad of ways. Asal Shirazi BEM, Founder of the Autoimmune Support & Awareness Foundation (ASA Foundation), talks us through some of the conditions associated with chronic pain and the advancements in pain management.
The opioid crisis has identified the extent of chronic pain as a health problem in Canada and the necessity of addressing pain as part of the solution to the crisis.
Lorna Rothery spoke to Dr Cathy Price, Associate Professor in Pain Management and Vice President of the British Pain Society, about the difficulties in diagnosing, treating, and managing chronic pain.
Chronic pain is a complex condition with far-reaching consequences. This review explores the latest research on factors contributing to its development and the potential of early interventions to prevent its onset.
Steph Sherer, Founder and President of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), discusses the prevalence, challenges and treatments for chronic pain management.
A staggering 51.6 million Americans live with pain daily; Ellen Smith from the U.S. Pain Foundation tells us about how medical cannabis supports her management of chronic pain.
With ten million people in the UK alone suffering from osteoarthritis, Dr Deborah Lee explains the prevalence of the condition, the common risk factors, and preventative measures.
Alberto Sainz Cort to discuss the prevalence of chronic pain and opioid use in the United States, as well as medical cannabis as a potential treatment for pain.
Monica Racoviță, Senior Researcher at The Health Policy Partnership, argues that opioid dependence is a pressing issue, yet treatment for it is still out of reach for many.