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Circular Economy

New battery waste codes to improve the circular economy and promote recycling

To create a more sustainable and circular economy, the European Commission has updated the European List of Waste to include new waste codes specifically designed for battery-related waste.

Transition to the biobased economy: Integrated approach needed

Aarthi JanakiRaman, charts the transition to a biobased economy, stressing the need for an integrated approach.

UK Government creates a ‘Net Zero Council’ to support key sectors

In line with the UK’s plans to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a circular economy, the recently created Net Zero Council aims to develop greener practices.

Electronic waste: Blockchain improves customer experience and drives sustainability

Blockchain can enable more efficient and environmentally friendly recycling programs, ensuring that electronic waste is disposed of properly.

€215.5 million to propel Europe’s circular bio-based economy

The CBU JU has announced its second call to further the circular bio-based economy and its respective European industries. With €215.5 million across 18 topics up for grabs, what are the real details?

Unlocking the future of circular bioeconomy in Europe

Open Access Government provides an update on Europe’s circular bioeconomy, which brings together various actors from bio-based industries, ranging from farmers to scientists, to solve technological, regulatory and market challenges.

5 Ideas on how local government can support local business

The SMEs sector decreased in both number and turnover and most of the business owners are not overly optimistic looking forward and plan to downsize their businesses.

Climate change efforts in Denmark’s Ministry of Environment

Denmark’s Ministry of Environment is leading the nation’s efforts on climate change mitigation and developing a circular economy.

How the government’s Critical Minerals Strategy will impact tech supply chains

The circular economy must be at the heart of the government’s Critical Minerals Strategy in order for it to be successful, says Steve Haskew.

What is reclaimed water and why is it dangerous?

Health risks are associated with reclaimed water that is used for road cleaning, greenfield irrigation and landscape fountains.

Greenland’s Indigenous population supports sand extraction

Greenland's Indigenous population supports sand extraction and exports amid a rapidly growing global demand for these resources.

European cities compete for sustainability and green change

The European Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards are competitions for European cities which are improving the environment.

Horizon Europe: Six European cities piloting solutions for circular waste

European cities are moving towards becoming fully circular – not only recycling all their waste but also changing their production modes to fit circular waste models.

Research & innovation for bio-based industries in Europe

Philippe Mengal, Executive Director at CBE JU ‐ Circular Bio‐based Europe Joint Undertaking, charts the priorities for a strategic research & innovation agenda for competitive bio-based industries in Europe.

IRODDI: New strategies for a sustainable development

Olga Gómez de Miranda, Scientific researcher from TECNALIA illustrates the innovative technologies and strategies in place to improve sustainable development.

Why technology is key to a more sustainable public sector

Creating a sustainable public sector requires going net zero, instilling a circular economy, and increasing assurance in the supply chain.

£1.2 million sustainable finance pledge against greenhouse gases

The Bank of America and the University of Oxford pledge £1.2 million to support greenhouse gas removal and sustainable finance research.


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