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Circular Economy

The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform: Finding a sustainable future

Maria Nikolopoulou, a EESC member, argues that the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform is Europe’s best bet for a sustainable future.

Glycoscience: One of the key enablers for the bioeconomy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, argues that glycoscience is one of the key enablers for bioeconomy.

E-waste to secure a sustainable future

Fredrik Forslund, VP Enterprise and Cloud, Blancco, argues that e-waste mustn’t be overlooked in our efforts to secure a sustainable future.

Microbial electrosynthesis for sustainable bioproduction

Arpita Bose, PhD, Associate Professor at Washington University illustrates how microbes may prove essential for developing sustainable technologies as we strive for greener economies.

Circular economy will help prevent climate damage and bring societal benefits

Wayne Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer, ReLondon, highlights the benefits of accelerating the transition to a circular economy and calls for policymakers to make it a priority in the build-up to COP26.

How cities can complement the European Green Deal

Sebastian Marx, Project Coordinator, Eurocities, says that increased commitment to environmental protection in cities will help the EU achieve its green ambitions.

Chemical industry: Towards the bioeconomy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, argues that the chemical industry is one of the linchpins in Europe’s transition to a bioeconomy

The Green Post COVID Era: Sustainable IT for the future

Walter Heck, CTO at HeleCloud, looks ahead to the Green Post COVID Era and argues that sustainable IT paves the way for a green future.

Tackling plastic pollution for a greener future

Gert-Jan Gruter, Chief Technology Officer, Avantium, discusses how the chemical industry can become more sustainable, reduce plastic pollution and achieve net-zero.

The aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy

Sergio Ponsá Salas, Director, BETA Technological Center (UVic-UCC), describes boosting the transition of the aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy, with discussion ranging from aquaculture industry by-products to bio-based fertilizers.

Food & nutrition: Imagining a future-fit world

Jyotsna Puri (Jo) PhD, Director of the Environment, Climate Gender, Youth, Nutrition and Social Inclusion Division at UN International Fund for Agricultural Development, imagines a future-fit world when it comes to food and nutrition.

To scale the circular economy, we must unite and work towards common policy goals

Miranda Schnitger, Government Lead at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, discusses the importance of the Universal circular economy policy goals to deliver the circular economy, particularly as we enter the year of COP26.

How can Finland confront the climate crisis and preserve its biodiversity?

Krista Mikkonen, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Finland illustrates why a circular economy will provide the means to tackle the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity.

Biotechnological circular solutions

The BIORECOVER project is developing biotechnological circular solutions to tackle the supply of some critical raw materials in the EU.

Why the UK Government must do more to tackle the issue of nappy and wipe waste

Laura Crawford, Founder of Mama Bamboo, discusses why it is important for the Government to take action against nappy and wipe waste.

Going circular is now more important than ever

Open Access Government charts the recent policy priorities of Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, as Europe works towards a circular economy.

Shaping the knowledge triangle to build back better and deliver net zero

Raimund Bleischwitz from University College London, Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources (UCL BSEER), discusses systems thinking for net zero carbon and a circular economy.


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