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Climate Change

Scientists make a breakthrough in transforming CO2 into renewable methanol

Yale University scientists have developed a new process that converts carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions into renewable methanol, a widely used liquid fuel.

Natural regeneration can rapidly re-grow tropical forests

Allowing forests to naturally re-grow has been shown to be an effective strategy in tropical forests, reversing deforestation at a fast rate.

Subtropics of East Asia grow colder due to warmer Arctic winters 

Arctic winters are getting steadily warmer due to climate change, resulting in temperature changes in the subtropics of East Asia

Do environmental extremes affect voting patterns?

According to IIASA research, personal experiences of extreme weather have a lot to do with political voting patterns

Offshore wind energy in Taiwan

Simon Faulkner, Country Manager/Lead Project Manager at Wood Thilsted, sheds light on offshore wind energy in Taiwan.

Paris Agreement targets are yet to protect coral reefs

The Paris Agreement limited global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which still has devastating impacts for coral reefs – remaining on track for coral degeneration.

40% of undiscovered tree species will be found in South America

According to new data, there are 73,274 different species of tree on Earth - with another 9,186 still to be discovered.

30,000 year-old carbon deposits are thawing in Siberia

Carbon, freeze-locked under ice over 30,000 years ago, is now thawing and being released into the climate as greenhouse gases.

Afforestation in temperate rainforests could lessen climate change

As the UK is unlikely to meet its tree target through natural means alone, scientists look at measures of afforestation through natural expansion.

Social distancing could protect trees from environmental disasters 

Research suggests less crowded trees have higher chances of survival after fire, insect infestation and the ongoing march of climate change.

Paris Agreement: Are governments doing enough to tackle deforestation?

While schemes to tackle deforestation have been moderately successful, their impact has been "tiny" compared to the promises of the Paris Agreement.

Five inventions that could change the world

The Innovate UK grant will sponsor the development of inventions - from 3D-printed knee replacements to a device that recycles shower water for washing machines.

88% of Europeans want more renewable energy

A poll finds almost half of Europeans believe climate change is the next global challenge, while 88% think renewable energy should be a larger part of the economy.

Polyculture farming for marine aquaculture’s climate impact

Researchers looking at the climate impact of aquaculture find that food production can sustain a lower carbon footprint - with polyculture farming techniques.

Antarctic sea ice uniquely changes for first time in 100 years

An increase in sea ice surrounding Antarctica since 1979 is a unique feature of the Antarctic climate - not seen since 1905, according to Ohio University researchers.

Some marine creatures protect each other from climate warming

Scientists reveal that some marine species are able to protect others from dangers of climate change by shielding them from heat

Scientists discover “giant, rose-shaped” coral reef near Tahiti

When French Polynesia experienced a bleaching event in 2019, against the odds, this giant, rose-shaped coral reef survived.


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