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Climate Change

Scientists make a breakthrough in transforming CO2 into renewable methanol

Yale University scientists have developed a new process that converts carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions into renewable methanol, a widely used liquid fuel.

99.9% of studies agree humans caused climate change

More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers have concluded that humans are the main cause of climate change.

UK heat strategy to “gradually” replace fossil fuel boilers

The heat and building strategy suggests that homeowners can access £5,000 grants from April 2022, to switch out their fossil fuel boilers.

Study finds plant-based jet fuel could reduce emissions by 68%

According to a US-based study, a non-edible crop can create plant-based jet fuel that can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of flying.

Corporate sponsors say COP26 is “very last minute”

Speaking to The Guardian, a group of corporate sponsors for COP26 have concerns about the "very last minute" organisation of the event.

Why nappy tax is not an efficient method to tackle climate issues

Guy Schanschieff MBE, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Bambino Mio, discusses why introducing a nappy tax on disposable nappies is not the best way to tackle climate issues.

Study reveals Amazon rainforest now releases more carbon than it stores

The destruction of the Amazon rainforest influences how much carbon is released - now, scientists reveal that damaged, not-yet-destroyed areas are releasing carbon faster than the rainforest can store it.

Climate leadership and a normative framework for political action

Here, Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Relations at the University of Leeds, continues his series on the nature of progressive state leadership, pondering a new normative framework for political action and climate leadership.

Together for Climate Action: UCL’s COP26 Campaign

Paul Ekins, Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy, University College London, tells us about UCL’s COP26 Campaign ‘Together for Climate Action’.

Promoting the safety, security, and economic well-being of the U.S.

Open Access Government explore why it is important for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to conduct scientific research and development regarding the Earth and its everchanging processes.

Europe’s sustainable blue economy

Europe ensures it implements circularity and restores biodiversity, according to Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius.

Monitoring changes occurring in the atmosphere

In the latest interview with Open Access Government, the National Center of Meteorology tell us more about their priority areas, such as the importance of earthquake monitoring.

Mobility and transport across the EU

A look at the work of the European Commission’s department on mobility and transport, efforts to secure a more sustainable future for international aviation.

Babies consume 10 times as many microplastics as adults

In a study conducted on babies in New York, scientists found that babies contain 10 times as many microplastics as adults - raising serious questions about how exposure happens.

Flood-mapping tool could change how agricultural planning works

A new flood-mapping tool, containing data from 1985 to now, could be what people need for agricultural planning that protects food security.

NASA: Innovation on Earth and in space

NASA is working with the ESA in the global fight against climate change, while inviting the next generation of technologies to contribute to its mission.

Protecting school children and the environment

Noel Frost reveals how Yunex Traffic’s School Streets system makes towns and cities safer for children by reducing road traffic, improving air quality and supporting solutions to the climate crisis.


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