‘Climate Change’ or ‘Global Warming’ represents a change in global or regional climate patterns. It has been attributed to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
It is universally agreed by most scientists that the main cause of global warming is the human expansion of the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. Human activities across the globe are changing the natural greenhouse. The burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil have increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. the consequences of changing the natural greenhouse are not easy to accurately predict. However there are a number of possible effects such as the excessive heating and cooling of certain regions. The heating of regions such at the north and south pole will result in the melting of ice capes and increase sea levels.
Despite the immense research and evidence there is still debate from some as to the existence of the issue.
Many faces in the media, have openly argued against the existence of Climate change. Most famous of which being US President Donald Trump. He has on the record stated that he believes Climate Change is a Hoax created by the Chinese.
Since the late 19th Century the average surface temperature of the planet has risen by around 0.9 degrees Celsius. Research states that most warming has occurred over the last 35 years and the 5 hottest temperatures being since 2010. So it seems almost comical to suggest that the topic could be a Hoax. However it’s true that the leader of one of the top world powers denies its existence entirely. even with compelling statistics such as 2016 being the hottest year on record.
There are articles exploring the ways in which different countries around the world tackle their own levels of pollution.
New research conducted by researchers at Florida Atlantic University as revealed new ways to reduce the risks of devastating wildfires while promoting healthier forests and combating climate change.
Noel Frost reveals how Yunex Traffic’s School Streets system makes towns and cities safer for children by reducing road traffic, improving air quality and supporting solutions to the climate crisis.
According to the changes, beginning 30 September, companies bidding for government contracts worth over £5 million must commit to Net Zero emissions by 2050.
According to the data, the Earth is getting dimmer and dimmer as warming oceans block light from being reflected off-planet - trapping even more energy in our atmosphere.
The European Commission has created five new policy goals - four of them centred around climate change, with the push to become largely "climate resilient" by 2030.
Environmental Justice Foundation founder discusses the importance of banning commercial wildlife markets, part of the path to human and wildlife coexistence.
With 7.5 million people living with HIV, how has climate change and COVID-19 affected the South African governments control over the AIDS crisis and which demographics have been hit the hardest?
Shaun White, Technical Project Manager of the Current Direct project, tells us what we need to know about how this research & innovation project will revolutionise how we move goods & people by water.
Markku Kulmala, from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, discusses the ACCC Flagship concerning adaptation to climate change, from deep scientific understanding to practical solutions.
EMME-CARE Project: INAR partners to establish an atmosphere and climate Center of Excellence in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region.
Sabien Pollet, Research Leader, Outdoor Vegetables at Inagro and part of SmartProtect H2020, considers smart agriculture for innovative vegetable crop protection.