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Climate Change

The triple planetary crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change

Read about the unique challenges coastal regions face from human activities and the combined crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

Scientists erase role of land management by Indigenous people

Research suggests that climate scientists should re-consider the role of Indigenous communities in land management.

Global methane emissions reach record high levels

Global methane emissions have reached the highest levels on record caused by coal mining, oil and natural gas production, cattle and sheep ranching, and landfill.

Endangered European birds could face up to 50% habitat loss

Research shows that some of the last remaining habitats for endangered European birds could decrease by 50%, as farmers convert land into more profitable crops.

Lockdown reduces air pollution by 54% in 5 Indian cities

The Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) found that lockdown reduced air pollution in Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai.

94% of wild bee and plant species lost due to climate change and agricultural developments

According to researchers from York University, climate change and agricultural developments are responsible for a 94% loss of wild bee and native plant species networks.

Rishi Sunak mini-budget: What about the environment?

Rishi Sunak has unveiled a mini-budget that proposes to change the environment infrastructure of the UK: What does that mean?

7 key takeaways from the Rishi Sunak mini-budget

Yesterday (9 July) Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced an injection of £30 billion to counter ongoing COVID-19 impacts on the economy.

The Siberian Arctic is burning due to record high temperatures

Temperatures in Siberia have risen to a record average for June in a heatwave that has produced some of the worst wildfires the region has ever seen.

How carbon offsetting fits into a decarbonisation strategy

Alex Massies, Principal Consultant and George Beechener, Offsetting Specialist, explain why they think carbon offsets have an important role to play in the transition to a low carbon economy and why organisations should be mindful when buying them.

The cost of fashion: 4.1 million Bangladeshi garment workers

The #PayUp movement has called attention to the multi-billion dollar fashion brands who exploit Bangladeshi garment workers and have capitalised from underpaid UK garment workers.

The Green Deal: Commission invests €1bn in innovative clean technology projects

The commission has recently launched calls for proposals under the Innovation Fund to encourage clean technology projects and to achieve climate neutrality.

Local level transformation in a crisis: A turning point for people & planet

Xavier Longan, Lead for Partnerships and Operations in the UN Sustainable Development Goals Action Campaign, discusses how local level transformation could be a turning point for people and the plant during a global crisis.

Pandemic can teach us how to prevent species extinction

Researchers say the pandemic has shown us how to save the world from global warming and prevent species extinction.

Locust outbreak in India continues to harm food security

Andre Laperriere, the Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN) discusses the locust outbreak in India.

The Anthropocene era: Rush for resources or preservation of common goods?

Professors Aurélien Acquier & Valentina Carbone, ESCP Business School, dissect the rush for resources versus preservation of common goods in the Anthropocene era.

Building more sustainable businesses in a post-COVID world

Dr David Dempsey, Country Leader and General Manager, Salesforce Ireland, explores how businesses can keep the environment in mind as they start to rebuild processes after COVID-19.


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