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Climate Change

Scientists make a breakthrough in transforming CO2 into renewable methanol

Yale University scientists have developed a new process that converts carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions into renewable methanol, a widely used liquid fuel.

Challenges and opportunities for the European transport sector

Director-General of DG Move of the European Commission, Henrik Hololei, outlines the challenges and opportunities for the European transport sector, including climate change, as well as research and innovation.

Hydrogen for transport in London

Dennis Hayter from Hydrogen London explores the extent of hydrogen-powered transport in the capital city of the UK, London.

World Food Day: “Future-proof our food systems”

Here, we have comment from Andre Laperrière from Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) on the importance of future-proofing the food system.

Towards a climate-resilient Baltic Sea

Executive Secretary of HELCOM, Rüdiger Strempel explores the effects of climate change in the Baltic Sea and in this respect, he argues for resilience.

Site assessment: The key to sustainable urban tree establishment

Dr Nina Bassuk, Professor at Cornell University, tells us precisely why site assessments are key to sustainable urban tree establishment.

Fighting the war against climate change

Laszlo Giricz, Founder and CEO, discusses the work underway at Poseidon to provide solutions for greenhouse gas emissions during the current battle against the climate change emergency.

Achieving zero-carbon with deep-sea minerals

Professor Bramley J Murton, Associate Head of Marine Geosciences from National Oceanography Centre, discusses if deep-sea minerals can meet the zero-carbon challenge, in this article.

Progressive state leadership today: Part 2

Richard Beardsworth, Professor and Head of School, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, provides the second article of a series on progressive state leadership.

Climate change: Modifying our views on environmental risks

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi - Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, Italy, explain to us how the global issue of climate change is modifying our views on risks to the environment with comment on the main effects of chlorinated pesticides.

Innovation in advanced lead batteries for low carbon future

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director at Consortium for Battery Innovation says that battery energy storage holds the key to a clean energy future.

Renewable energy is not enough: Paper highlights what more is needed to reach climate targets

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has launched a new paper, in collaboration with Material Economics, revealing the need for a fundamental shift in the global approach to reach climate targets.

50 NGOs call on EU leaders to protect the ocean

NGOs are calling on senior leaders in the European Union to protect the ocean, in addition to focusing on CO2 emissions when fighting climate change.

Transitioning to a green economy: Is carbon offsetting the answer?

When it comes to transitioning to a green economy and carbon offsetting, William Richardson, Founder and Managing Director of Green Element provides his thoughts.

The EU and Japan: Cooperation on innovation in the clean energy transition and climate action

Mauro Petriccione, Directorate-General for Climate Action at the European Commission, discusses how the EU and Japan are cooperating on innovation in the clean energy transition and climate action.

Climate toxicology: The impact on human health

Eduardo A. González, B.S. and Pamela J. Lein, Ph.D., University of California, Davis discuss how global climate change is increasing toxicological impacts on human health.

Drivers of Arctic ice cap change: Linking climate and weather

Martin Sharp, Professor at the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta, Canada, discusses drivers of Arctic ice cap change and his thoughts on linking climate and weather.


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