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Climate Change

The triple planetary crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change

Read about the unique challenges coastal regions face from human activities and the combined crisis of pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

UK’s largest companies pledge hundreds of millions to tackle climate change

To mark the government's first ever Green GB & NI Week, top businesses across the UK have announced significant pledges worth hundreds of millions of pounds to tackle climate change

Can we rethink how and when we access household products to tackle climate change?

The public is supportive of emission reduction strategies that are likely to bring significant changes to the way we access household products such as clothing, cars, appliances and furniture to tackle climate change, finds a new study led by Cardiff University

Finland: A higher level of ambition in climate policy is needed

Markku Ollikainen, Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Economics and Management details why a higher level of ambition in climate policy is greatly needed in Finland

Paris Agreement: How serious are we about it?

Adel El Gammal, Secretary-General of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) details two crucial conditions for achieving the ambitious energy goals set by the world community in 2015

Climate Hazards Group: Strengthening defences against food insecurity

The Climate Hazards Group contributes to Food Security Outlooks that strengthen food security

Combatting climate change: Microbial diversity and biomass issues in the North

Dr Taina Pennanen and Dr Hannu Fritze from Natural Resources Institute Finland share their thoughts on microbial diversity and biomass issues in the north in terms of combatting climate change in the North of our planet.

The priorities for energy and climate change in Finland and beyond

In this special interview, Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing speaks to Open Access Government about his government’s priorities for energy efficiency and climate change in Finland and beyond

Agricultural Research: Plant cold hardiness in a changing climate

Michael Wisniewski and David Livingston III from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) share their expert thoughts on the topic of plant cold hardiness in today’s changing climate

Hurricane hazards and climate science research in the U.S.

Ning Lin, Associate Professor at Princeton University’s Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering details her fascinating research on hurricane and climate science by refining methods in risk analysis in this in-depth interview

How climate change impacts the energy sector in Europe

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) explores the degree to which climate change impacts the energy sector in Europe

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: The UK’s government’s Clean Growth Strategy

David Taylor, Head of Corporate Affairs and Innovation at Flogas shares his views on the UK’s government’s Clean Growth Strategy and the extent to which this will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Summer heatwave see’s solar energy output increase

Sun Investment Group Poland predicts that Europe’s solar energy will see increased outputs due to future heatwaves in the summer; 2018 marked a 20% increase in solar energy production during one of the hottest summers on recent records 

Ocean and climate change: Time for a new wave of energy

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries examines ocean and climate change and argues that now is the time for a new wave of energy

Genomics of thermotolerance – helping beef cattle adapt to the climate change

Developing genomic tools for increased thermotolerance in beef cattle is imperative, says University of Florida’s Associate Professor Raluca Mateescu

Climate change: Learning how to negotiate on behalf of the planet

Johanna Bocklet, Research Associate at the Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne shares her views on climate change, focussing on learning how to negotiate on behalf of the planet

Power-to-gas: A key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system

Dr Frank Graf from DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) details precisely why power-to-gas is a key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system


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