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Climate Leadership

Sustainable mobility challenges in European cities

Ana Drăguțescu, Head of Sustainable Mobility at ICLEI Europe, discusses how to tackle sustainable mobility challenges in urban areas from the ICLEI Europe perspective.

How could geoengineering worsen the tropical malaria outbreak?

A geoengineering strategy to inject aerosols into the stratosphere could have repercussions, with the potential worsening of a tropical malaria outbreak.

UN report: Could we be on a path to doubling the 1.5 degree limit?

The latest UN climate report warns the lack of time the world has to reduce its global warming to the 1.5 degree limit - it’s ‘now or never’ until a global environmental breakdown.

Unlocking organic waste to get to a greener future, sooner

Robert Dysiewicz, World Biogas Association Advisory Council Member discusses how the transition to a new era of waste management will align with a circular economy,

Can electric cars save the UK from carbon emissions?

Though electric cars are greener than those running on fossil fuels, they generate mass carbon emissions during production and remain predominantly inaccessible.

Scientists say human activity responsible for climate fragility

In a study of over 2,000 streams around North America, researchers reveal the escalating impact human activity has on flooding - creating climate fragility.

Five climate activists you need to know about 

We acknowledge five female climate activists, who are challenging gender norms and creating substantial change in global politics.

IPCC: Climate change policies are nothing without social justice

The new IPCC report describes the financial commitment of high carbon-emitting countries – but are climate change policies enough to support justice and stop the crisis?

The fight against poverty would not solve carbon emissions

Research highlights that fighting poverty would not change existing climate goals, as richer countries are substantially more responsible for carbon emissions.

Paris Agreement: Are governments doing enough to tackle deforestation?

While schemes to tackle deforestation have been moderately successful, their impact has been "tiny" compared to the promises of the Paris Agreement.

Scientists warn Sixth Mass Extinction of global biodiversity is possible

Experts warn that a Sixth Mass Extinction is potentially underway, with human activities threatening species extinction.

City & region climate action keeps hope alive for COP26 outcomes

Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy, Local Governments for Sustainability, tells us that city and region action keeps hope alive for COP26 outcomes

Science for Climate Services and Action – Reflections on the COP26

Reviewing the impact of COP26 on climate services and what this means going forward for the pivotal role of science and science-based decisions.

Climate leadership and a normative framework for political action

Here, Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Relations at the University of Leeds, continues his series on the nature of progressive state leadership, pondering a new normative framework for political action and climate leadership.

Progressive state leadership: A political vision of sustainable development

Here Professor Richard Beardsworth, University of Leeds, continues his series on progressive state leadership by suggesting how it can spearhead the political vision of sustainable development.

The leadership challenge of COP26, 2021

Richard Beardsworth, Professor and Head of School, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, addresses the leadership challenge of COP26, 2021.

Connecting the dots to enable climate leadership at all levels

Lars Tveen, President of Danfoss Heating Segment, underlines the importance of connecting the dots to enable climate leadership at all levels.


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