
Adapting the Icelandic Prevention Model for use in Ireland

Improving health outcomes for young people: What is the Icelandic Prevention Model, and how does it work.

Racism: The importance of listening to create change

Robbie Green, The Working Mom’s Coach and Coach at Talking Talent, discusses how to create change in the contemporary climate of racism.

The future of local government is radically changing community relationships

Jon Faulkner, Managing Director of Domain7 UK, discusses how the future of local government rests in the hands of communities.

Post-pandemic: Can the private sector and government work together?

Mary Martin, director at UN Business and Human Security Initiative, LSE IDEAS, explains the necessity of open collaboration between the private sector and government.

The problem isn’t climate science, it’s how politicians act on climate science

We look at the problems that occur when climate science is translated into policy, and investigate how these problems still happen.

Will the ‘fast fashion’ industry recover from this pandemic?

Alessandro Brun, Politecnico di Milano School of Management, discusses the changing future of the 'fast fashion' industry.

£1 million for COVID-19 documentation project in Manchester

The University of Manchester recently won a grant of nearly £1 million, to support their ongoing COVID-19 documentation projection.

Putting communities at the heart of policy-making

Emily Morrison, Head of the Institute for Community Studies, explains that the heart of policy-making should be the communities involved.

Female led countries’ show “significantly better” COVID-19 survival

COVID-19 survival strategies have been analysed by the University of Liverpool, who found that women-led countries' were much safer.

Policing homelessness: The mental health of an isolated community

Researchers look at the public health impact of policing homelessness in the Colorado area.

Lebanon blasts: When the diaspora steps in for the Government

On 4 August, there was an explosion in the heart of Beirut: The question now, is can the blasts permanently change the future of Lebanon?

Oil spill in Mauritius causes huge ecological disaster

On July 25, A Japanese bulk carrier caused an oil spill in Mauritius, creating fears of worsening ecological and economic disaster for the country.

Can workplace diversity change discussions around the dinner table?

Toby Mildon discusses how workplace diversity could influence the way that individuals perceive minority groups, via dinner table conversations.

Racial disparity in COVID deaths exists beyond poverty

New research proves that racial differences in COVID-19 deaths happens beyond economic explanations.

How can brands help Bangladeshi garment workers?

Dr Nika Salvetti from Nyenrode Business University explains how Bangladeshi garment workers can be helped by the brands that use their services.

Combined exit strategy will help Europe stop COVID second-wave

The University of Southampton found that European countries should lift lockdown in synchronisation, to prevent a COVID second wave.

Five powerful politicians under the age of 35

One Young World names five of the world's most powerful politicians under the age of 35 as part of a non-partisan award to recognise good political work.


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