In this climate change and biodiversity loss focus, Harriet Bulkeley, Professor at Durham University in the UK and Kes McCormick, Associate Professor at Lund...
Jeff Ruddle, Strategic Development Director at United Kingdom Accreditation Service, illuminates us on an aspect of accreditation that concerns the building block(chain)s of delivering confidence.
Rebekah Shaman, Managing Director at British Hemp Alliance, explains what we need to know about removing the barriers to ensure a thriving UK hemp industry.
Dr. Stephan Costabel, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources, and Prof. Dr. Mike Müller-Petke, Leibniz-Institute for Applied Geosciences, discuss the use of magnetic resonance for soil moisture mapping.
Here, Dr Albert A. de Graaf discusses a novel predictive model-based decision support system to aid diabetes patients in the complex task of self-management.
Charlie de Rusett, Founder and CEO from Idea Drop, enlightens us on the issue of idea management in the public sector when it comes to innovation in an organisation.
The Horizon 2020 project SOCCRATES brings together some of the best expertise in the field to develop, implement and evaluate an automated security platform to defend against complex cyber-attacks, more of which is explained here by Reinder Wolthuis from TNO.
Shinichi Tokuno from Voice Analysis and Measurement of Pathophysiology, Department of Bioengineering, at the University of Tokyo, shares with us what we need to know about the detection of cognitive impairment with the benefit of voice analysis technology concerning the ageing of people globally.
Sarah Bro Trasmundi, Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, provides a fascinating look at reading in the age of digitalisation and how media shape the reader’s thinking.