Brendan Crossey, Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Analytics Limited, directs our thoughts to innovative bed tracking at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, one of five health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland.
Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at University Hospital Basel asks if fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) is a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases and provides a most engaging response.
However, the majority of clinical standards for diagnosis and treatment in modern oncology are traditionally birthed solely from biological investigations.
Farrukh Saleem, Head of Sales & Marketing at Winchester MD, explains why the company is ahead of the curve when it comes to today’s market for CBD products.
Helen Waters, Executive Vice President of MEDITECH explains how Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust are Global Digital Exemplars leading the UK’s healthcare revolution.
Here, Arianna Agosto, Paolo Giudici, Paolo Pagnottoni and Anca Mirela Toma discuss how a research-driven European environment can create sustainable digital finance for Fintech risk management.
In this second interview, Professor Dr Martin Flück reveals how his research aims to shed light on the mechanisms that govern skeletal muscle function in health and disease, with the goal of translating the findings into more effective clinical applications.
Arno Schoevaars, Managing Consultant Strategy & Innovation at PNO Innovation, charts the H2020 GreenCharge project, which strongly encourages successful business models for sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions.
Dr Antonio Skarmeta and Dr Jorge Bernal Bernabe, University of Murcia, Spain, chart a European Research project, OLYMPUS, that addresses the challenges associated with the use of a privacy-preserving identity management solution.
A DFG-project run by Professor Wolfgang Seibel, University of Konstanz, Germany, called “Black Swans in Public Administration: Rare Organisational Failure with Severe Consequences” is explained here in detail.
Here, OilsBySimpson Founder Kevin Simpson and Clinical Professor, Consultant Physician and Research Director, Filip Krag Knop, explain what we know so far about CBD’s effect on Type 2 diabetes and why running a clinical trial is so important.
The new era of gravitational-wave astronomy is explored here by Miguel Holgado, PhD, Candidate at the Department of Astronomy, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Peter G. Kevan, University Professor Emeritus at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, explores here how plants regulate their body temperatures, including the implications in this respect for climate change science & policy.