Dr Stavros Shiaeles, University of Plymouth and Dr Nicholas Kolokotronis, University of Peloponnese discuss how Cyber-Trust is being used to Safeguard Internet of Things (IoT).
Alasdair Poole, Apprenticeships Manager at Ashridge Executive Education details the importance of laying the foundations for a successful degree apprenticeship programme.
CI and Quality Improvement are two tools for delivering efficient and effective public services. How can you embed these skills in your organisation? Andrew Sandford enlightens us here.
Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz from UCL The Bartlett School of Environment Energy & Resources (BSEER) tells us about a new socio-political movement, which uses nonviolent resistance to protest against a potential climate breakdown and ecological collapse, and the transformational power of universities.
The EU-funded project FLEXPOL (GA number 721062) offers an affordable approach to prohibit the spread of bacteria and healthcare-associated infections using cost-effective and sustainable film products.
Rob Fotheringham, Managing Director, highlights the work conducted at Fotheringham Associates to help businesses develop a successful digital transformation strategy.
An underwater topographic survey for Taiwan offshore wind farms is detailed here by Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University.
According to a survey by the Personal Group, there has been a 20% drop in workplace happiness over the past three years. Alison White, at PLACEmaking discusses if Smart Working has contributed to this.
Jose Merino, CEO of LDJ Digital explains here how Share Internet Data Ltd (SID) is expanding its mobile network to include the unbanked with its exciting LDJ Digital app.
VICTORIA (VIDEO ANALYSIS FOR INVESTIGATION OF CRIMINAL AND TERRORIST ACTIVITIES) is a Horizon 2020 EU Security Project, which is developing robust and accurate video analysis technology to boost the law enforcement agencies’ investigative capacity.
The Cyber Lab of Italy offers research, training, education and communication to boost cybersecurity efforts across Europe, as the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT-CNR) explain here.
AlphaCAT (Cannabinoid Analysis Test) takes the first step to regulation and quality control for the medical cannabis industry, as this profile by the firm’s Sebastien Beguerie sheds light on.
Obesity is a growing problem around the world, with many negative consequences for both individuals and societies. Research by Professor Barry M. Popkin and his colleagues at the University of North Carolina (UNC) aims to lead us beyond the current obesity epidemic.
John Greenwood PhD FRCPath and Stephen E. Moss PhD from UCL Institute of Ophthalmology discuss the vasculature in health and disease, a major focus of their research.