Karen Moor and Marlies Wijsenbeek from the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam explore the role of eHealth tools in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis care and research.
Data Science covers a range of different disciplines that are to do with the collection, analysis and reporting of data. Chris Cook, Managing Director, PAL Stats, offers his expertise to discuss what data science in market research is.
The European research project STORE&GO at the finish line and about to publish a roadmap for the future integration of power-to-gas technology, writes Dr Frank Graf from the DVGW Research Centre at the Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Here, Haruki Komatsu discusses how Paediatric Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the main things which can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Digitally enabled pathway personalisation is leveraging actionable data insights and dynamic intelligence to drive better outcomes as part of the Prevention 3.0 agenda
Irina Shklovski, Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, explains the ethical challenges of connected technologies in today’s world and how the VIRT-EU project helps to move us towards a better digital future.
Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) contributes to increasing the evidence base on Nature-Based Solutions by taking part in two Horizon 2020 projects, NAIAD and OPERANDUM, as we find out here.
The Agile Business Consortium is calling for the inclusion of agility and agile skills in the education of everyone from primary school children, to working professionals.
Andree Woodcock, a Professor from Coventry University, tells us all we need to know about a four-year research and innovation action project to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive and accessible transport strategies.