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Navigating the future of AI in schools: Transforming challenges into opportunities

Sendient Ltd navigates the future of AI in schools, explaining how this is transforming challenges into opportunities.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD): Correcting the dystrophin gene

Dr Ahlke Heydemann, Associate Professor and Director of Medical School Curriculum at University of Illinois, Chicago explains Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), focussing on the issue of correcting the dystrophin gene

The re-emergence of potato late blight: A major reason for pesticide use in arable crops

Didier Andrivon, Research Director at INRA provides an account of the disease, potato late blight and why pesticides are used in arable crops.

Treatment and diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders

Andrea Varrone studies the importance of molecular imaging to provide personalised medicine and improve care for patients with neurodegenerative disorders

Gender science: Multifractal geometry in predicting the development of a gender stereotype

Damian G. Kelty-Stephen, Assistant Professor at Grinnell College lifts the lid on gender science research, including the work of Anne Fausto-Sterling and the role of multifractal geometry in predicting the development of a gender stereotype

Delivering climate information for the regions

Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS) has been selected as a co-host for the new World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Coordination Office for Regional Activities (CORA).

Water for plant growth: The foundation of the global food supply and ecosystem services

Professor Robert Aiken, Research Crop Scientist at the Northwest Research – Extension Center and Dr. Ramesh Dhungel, Research Associate at Kansas State University explain why water is required for plant growth, the foundation of the global food supply and ecosystem services.

Developments in food research: Exeter University students join the fight to save the banana

Banana exports are threatened by pests, diseases, and climate change. Students at Exeter University have joined researchers to address food research challenges, as Dr Daniel Bebber, Senior Lecturer in Microbial Ecology describes

Approaching digital transformation in government: The Internet is OK 

Peter Miller from Visionist Ltd explains his perspective on approaching digital transformation in government and the move toward cloud-based solutions.

How you can improve services through design and modern software?

Andrew Sandford, Director of We are Lean and Agile, explains how modern software can help you understand and improve your services in the digital age.

Materials: Nanoscale fabrication and nanoscale characterisation

Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner, Head of Nanocharacterization Section at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark examines Nanoscale fabrication and nanoscale characterisation.

Interdisciplinary research: New technologies for studying genomes

The Ebenstein lab for NanoBioPhotonics in Tel Aviv University, Israel, develops new technologies for studying genomes, an aspect of interdisciplinary research that Prof Yuval highlights here.

How can we make eye screening services more available?

OPTOMED explains the importance of our sight and that many of us are not aware of the importance of systematic eye checks.

Health research: Why can asthma still not be cured?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at the University Hospital Basel explains what asthma is, its health impact and charts research landscape in the field.

Digital transformation helps central and local government make resilience a reality

Sungard Availability Services Ltd explores the pressure central government departments and local authorities are under to achieve more with less and how digital transformation...

Therapies for weak muscles

Research into personalised interventions is helping pave the way for a new generation of therapies for weak muscles at the Balgrist Campus It is estimated...

The European Commission takes action on endocrine disruptors: A call for a multidisciplinary network

Alberto Mantovani, Research Director at Istituto Superiore di Sanità reveals how the European Commission is taking action on endocrine disruptors (EDCs) and calls for a multidisciplinary network of cross-cutting silos


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