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AI tools and the minute writing revolution

Board effectiveness experts Board Intelligence explore the role of AI in minute writing.

Mont-Blanc project: preparing for next-generation supercomputing

Etienne Walter, Mont-Blanc 3 coordinator at Atos shares an expert perspective on how the Mont-Blanc project is preparing for next-generation supercomputing Arm low-power processors dominate...

How do we build safer digital environments?

Identify, Protect, Defend, Respond are the four key components to ensure safer digital environments. Here, Fujitsu provide insight

Swedish West Coast’s Creative Hot Spot

Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the Municipality of Varberg

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide

IDEAS: improving design, evaluation and analysis of early drug development studies

Prof Thomas Jaki from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit at Lancaster University explores a novel approach to Ph.D. training for those in the pharmaceutical industry

Transmission electron microscopy to see ‘functionalities’ and ‘material property interactions’

Senior researcher at Center for Electron Nanoscopy at DTU CEN, Takeshi Kasama reveals the institution’s expertise around transmission electron microscopy

A new frontline against terrorism

Jaz Vilkhu, Managing Director of Landscape Protection argues that urban planners must consider a holistic approach to protection against terrorists

Asset management in rail: cognitive computing

CEO of ZNAPZ, Marcel Van Velthoven provides a compelling perspective on how cognitive computing can assist asset management in rail

Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing (PANINI)

Prof. Anna C. Whittaker from University of Birmingham’s School of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences looks at the need for ageing research in Europe Current...

Time for a change of tack on drug development for neurodegenerative diseases?

UCB's Duncan McHale outlines why reclassification might be a good idea to boost drug development for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Neurodegenerative diseases are...

Assessing climate change in the Arctic

Norwegian Polar Institute’s Director Jan-Gunnar Winther highlights the challenges associated with climate change in the Arctic and its global impact

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology smarter than your building management team?

Danny Pay, Director of Maximus Green outlines that businesses have a responsibility to use green technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to survive Technology is...

Maximising the potential of your empty property portfolio

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, discusses the implications and opportunities of the shrinking public sector estate The public-sector estate is shrinking as both the...

Developing innovative therapies to treat asthma

Michael Roth from University Hospital Basel & University Basel gives a compelling overview of research into asthma and need to develop innovative therapies to...

AR Controllers for 6-Degree-of-Freedom Interaction

Zeyuan Chen and Christopher G. Healey from North Carolina State University reveal their institution’s expertise on virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) systems Virtual...

Supercomputer simulations: Closing in on the story of our cosmic origins

Prof Romeel Davé, Chair of Physics at the University of Edinburgh explores how supercomputer simulations help to reveal how galaxies like our Milky Way...


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