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AI tools and the minute writing revolution

Board effectiveness experts Board Intelligence explore the role of AI in minute writing.

Human-centred approach to data leads the way to a smarter digital age

Markus Hautala and Antti Kettunen at Tieto reveal how Blockchain has rapidly emerged as one of the disrupting technologies of the digital age

Ambrosus: Digitalising the Global Trade with Blockchain

Angel Versetti, CEO of Ambrosus discusses the world’s first blockchain ecosystem for supply chains and global trade

Understanding evolution, past and future

Dr Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo from CNRS details her work on fruit flies, which examines the intricate link between genes and visible traits of living creatures

Newborn brain injury – innovations in early diagnostics

A new direction in the monitoring of brain injury in babies, pioneered by a team of physicists, engineers and doctors in University College London (UCL) and University College London Hospitals (UCLH)

Malaria Drug Resistance: Evolving and Moving in the Mekong Region

Professor of Chemistry at Portland State University, David H Peyton. PhD turns the spotlight on malaria drug resistance in the Mekong region

Entrepreneurial opportunities in fusion energy development

Dr. Y. C. Francis Thio and Dr. F. Douglas Witherspoon turn the spotlight on how lower-cost pathways to fusion energy can be attractive to investors

The future of blockchain: Learning from things yet to happen

Disruption, pivot, 10X change – these words describe current strategic interest in everything new, but how do we decide the future of blockchain?

Pre-disposition to chronic inflammatory lung diseases

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader, Pulmonary Cell Research at University Hospital Basel & University Basel sheds light on inflammatory lung diseases

University of California scientists target glioblastoma with stem cell research

Targeted stem cell research at the University of California, Irvine could one day eradicate glioblastoma brain tumours, explains John Lowengrub

The Internet of Trains: For safety, efficiency and comfort

Particularly for bogies with flattened wheels, the Internet of Trains can bring all-round benefits, writes ZNAPZ CEO Marcel Van Velthoven.

Personalising antibody directed therapy in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

Professor Jatinder Lamba from the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research explores the current progress in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

Research project on railway switches and crossings: INTELLISWITCH

Professor Dorte Juul Jensen project leader of INTELLISWITCH provides insight into the world of railway switches and crossings in Denmark

The natural world – Why field studies matter

Thomas L. Fleischner, Ph. D, Executive Director of the Natural History Institute discusses the critical importance of direct engagement with the natural world

Carbonation induced corrosion of reinforced concrete revisited

The effect of carbonation induced corrosion on reinforced concrete must be addressed both for safety and environmental reasons, say researchers from ETH Zurich.

The geography of EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index

Professor Paula Santana from University of Coimbra sheds light in the importance of capturing a holistic understanding of population health

What causes specific language impairment?

Mabel L Rice from the University of Kansas describes how nonverbal cognitive impairments are neither necessary nor sufficient


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