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Lessons learned from a hospital’s digital pathology journey

Pathologists play a crucial part in patient treatment, particularly in cancer care. However, the field faces challenges such as resource shortages, workflow inefficiencies, and increasing complexity. To adapt, pathology departments are embracing digital solutions to enhance diagnostics and support the transformation of healthcare.

The unrealised benefits of an ATP cleaning verification system

An ATP cleaning verification system can help ensure cleaning is thorough and effective, saving money and lives in healthcare settings The financial impact of poor...

Asset management must be a consideration for the rail sector

During holiday season asset management is very important to the rail industry. Here, Marcel Van Velthoven, CEO of ZNAPZ explains why

PAN-LNG Project: Developing Trans-European transport in Hungary

With funding from the Connecting Europe Facility, the PAN-LNG Project is developing a Trans-European transport infrastructure, starting in Hungary MGKKE, the Hungarian NGV Association, developed...

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation,...

An insight into Escherichia coli

Understanding Escherichia coli ecology and evolution in the gut as a commensal is a prerequisite to fight this opportunistic pathogen

Understanding cancer through molecular cell biology

Progress in Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy of Cancer Requires Rethinking of European Reimbursement Practices for Mutation Testing

Can a new light-based therapy help with Alzheimer’s disease?

Prof Michael R Hamblin of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital discusses a new light-based therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Environmental chemicals: factors for neurodevelopmental disorders?

Pamela Lein, University of California, looks at whether environmental chemicals influence individual risk for the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders

Understanding the adverse outcome pathway concept

Alberto Mantovani, Istituto Superiore di Sanità looks at how the adverse outcome pathway concept is the long way from molecular to adversity

Queueing theory: the solution to unsustainable wait list practices

David Stanford, Richard Boucherie, and Peter Taylor outline how queueing theory could help tackle some of the challenges in the healthcare sector

Can blueberries help to tackle many global health problems?

Mark Villata, Executive Director, U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council highlights many health benefits associated with blueberries

Exploring pathways for wellbeing among Inuit

Alexandra Sawatzky, Ashlee Cunsolo, and Sherilee Harper highlight the need for regional perspectives on Inuit-specific pathways for wellbeing.

Building success at the Agile Business Conference

Mary Henson from the Agile Business Consortium highlights how the Agile Business Conference on the 4 & 5 October aims to support businesses at an unpredictable time

Honey bee health: managing and reducing the risks

Managing the health of the honey bee is integral to the agriculture sector. Here Elke Genersch from the Institute for Bee Research explains further

Improving access to research data

French National Institute for Research in Agriculture (INRA) explores the importance of ensuring research data is easy to access in the agriculture field

Progressing health research in the North of Canada

Health Sciences North Research Institute shares the progress it has made in health research in Northern Canada, highlighting some of its major focus areas


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