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Lessons learned from a hospital’s digital pathology journey

Pathologists play a crucial part in patient treatment, particularly in cancer care. However, the field faces challenges such as resource shortages, workflow inefficiencies, and increasing complexity. To adapt, pathology departments are embracing digital solutions to enhance diagnostics and support the transformation of healthcare.

The pursuit for new strategies in drug development

Prof. Dr. Tanja Gaich, of the University of Konstanz – Department of Chemistry discusses new strategies in drug development and the challenges involved

Building bridges between research and society in Portugal

Joana Camilo, Executive Director, Creating Health outlines how Universidade Catolica Portugesa (UCP) is a leading research university

The true value of industrial management and engineering

The Business Competence and Process Management RDI-group outline how industrial management and engineering degrees are valuable to businesses in Europe

Pharmacogenomics of polypharmacy in Alzheimer’s disease

Ramón Cacabelos of EuroEspes Biomedical Research Center details how the incorporation of pharmacogenomics to treat Alzheimer’s patients is crucial

Tackling gender imbalance in European life science research

Natalia Dave and Isabelle Vernos, Centre for Genomic Regulation outline how LIBRA tackles gender imbalance in European life science research.

The SMiNC project: Understanding numerical cognition

Distinguished Professor Avishai Henik provides insight into the research being undertaken into numerical cognition via the ERC-supported SMiNC project

How can your organisation meet the transformation agenda?

Sungard Availability Services provides technical know-how and support to meet the transformation agenda and help organisations achieve their cloud ambitions

Folding wing tips could improve aircraft performance

Improving aerodynamic performance could be achieved using folding wing tips. The University of Bristol’s Professor Jonathan Cooper explains

Newton Fund: helping with novel development opportunities

Melvin Hoare, University of Leeds discusses how the UK's Newton Fund is helping developing nations to engage in science and research.

Asteroseismology: It’s written in the stars

The power of asteroseismology – what can we learn from the stars? Saskia Hekker from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research reveals here

Sustainable water treatment with Arctic attitude

Professor Riitta Keiski, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu talks about the importance of sustainable water treatment in Northern Finland

Protecting your innovation, research and development

Gary Townley, Business Manager at the UK Intellectual Property Office outlines the importance of protecting your innovation and research through Intellectual Property protection.

Overlooked by public health: Specific language impairment

Mabel L. Rice, University of Kansas highlights specific language impairment and why it often goes unrecognised as health disorder

Cosmogenic nuclides: A unique position for earth science

What can cosmogenic nuclides tell us about the earth’s surface? Prof. Dr. Dunai of The Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne explains

Using Positron Emission Mammography to detect breast cancer

Dr Alla Reznik, Canada Research Chair in Physics of Medical Imaging, explains how Positron Emission Mammography is effective when detecting breast cancer

Showcasing 100 years of Estonian art and culture

Sirje Helme, Chief Executive Officer, Art Museum of Estonia shares how Estonian art will be brought to the forefront as the nation celebrates its centennial


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