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AI tools and the minute writing revolution

Board effectiveness experts Board Intelligence explore the role of AI in minute writing.

Redefining how we work to navigate economic uncertainty

Director & Co Founder Fergus Magennis at Invoka Consulting explores how economic uncertainty is affecting organisations and the public sector, and how digital transformation can help.

Using alternative technology to infill broadband delivery ‘notspots’

David Hennell, the Business Development Director at National Broadband argues how county councils can immediately ensure high-quality broadband delivery to all constituents.

First steps towards patient safety and reduced costs in operating theatres and hospitals

Chris Norman, the VP of Healthcare at Elcom highlights some of the issues hospitals and operating theatres are having with increasing patient safety and cutting costs.

Realizing the potential of quantum computing applications

Professor Robert Wille at the Technical University of Munich and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg discusses when quantum computing applications and knowledge are required – and, when not.

Effective information governance: building a framework

Michael Wuestefeld-Gray, the Managing Director at WuDo Solutions, explains the framework needed to generate effective Information Governance for organisations.

Government’s roadmap to achieving trusted data

Marc Hoogstad, Head of Product Management at Finworks discusses removing data silos, implementing automation and gaining access to real-time data to encourage trusted data in government.

The Clinical Pathway DevOps Platform to help NHS staff efficiency

Nathan Moore, Director at Primum Digital Ltd looks toward helping NHS staff deliver the best care at a reduced carbon cost.

Private equity: Shock absorber and growth catalyst

Private equity dampens business cycle fluctuations, improves capital allocation, and boosts growth, argues professor Christian Keuschnigg.

Three transformative heating technologies for decarbonising public sector estates

Chris Caton, product director – Commercial, at Ideal Heating, explains the impact that three low and zero-carbon heating technologies could have on decarbonising public sector buildings.

Global IT solutions with Neyo Ltd

Chirag Karnik, Founder and Director at Neyo Ltd, guides us through IT solutions and Operations Management, and his vision for the future of the company.

The real potential of hydrogen fuel cells: Bramble Energy’s PCBFC™ Solution

Swiss inventor Francois Isaac de Rivaz created the world’s first internal combustion engine vehicle powered by hydrogen in 1807. Yet, hydrogen fuel cells have not become part of the mainstream fuel mix in mobility circles.

Advancing connector technologies for multicore optical fibres

Ryo Nagase, Professor from Chiba Institute of Technology in Japan, highlights research concerning advancing connector technologies for multicore optical fibres, starting with an informative introduction.

Liberating climate action from politics

Simon Glynn, Founder of Zero Ideas, explains the importance of liberating climate action from politics.

Digital medication audits: Transforming outdated processes & improving efficiency

Can the implementation of digital medication audits improve data transparency and accessibility, while reducing medication incidents and improving outcomes?

Understanding amyloid beta and Alzheimer’s disease: the key to helping AD patients

Efforts to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) by targeting Amyloid beta (Aβ) assemblies should be continued, but the strategies should be altered dramatically.

Bioelectronic technology: the future of healthcare

Rick Rowan, CEO and founder of NuroKor Bioelectronics, tells us about how bioelectronic technology is changing the future of healthcare.


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