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Navigating the future of AI in schools: Transforming challenges into opportunities

Sendient Ltd navigates the future of AI in schools, explaining how this is transforming challenges into opportunities.

6 steps for a successful transformation of your network infrastructure

The public and private sectors are now facing a common issue: how do you maintain legacy technology while embracing new opportunities? Simona Mazza, Head of Digital Advisory, UBDS discusses six steps to transforming your network infrastructure.

Five ways to bring sustainability and social value to your supply chain

Dave Emsley explores how the world can be greener, outlining five key ways to bring sustainability and social value to your supply chain.

The Brenner Motorway looks to the future in attempt to reduce environmental pressures

Carlo Costa, General Technical Manager explores what the future has in store for Autostrada del Brennero SpA and their environmental focus.

The UK’s largest regional stroke thrombectomy network is powered by e-Stroke

Jeff Wyrtzen, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Brainomix explores the impact of the e-Stroke thrombectomy platform and its implementation across the supraregional network.

Part 3: Scientific sunburn & skin cancer

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd. continues her discussion on sunburn & skin cancer science.

WSK Medical: Changing healthcare by leveraging innovative AI solutions

Using AI solutions to assist clinicians and doctors in the quest for early cancer detection through software.

ARENA2036 – co-creating leapfrog innovations beneath one roof

Dr Clemens Ackermann at ARENA2036 discusses the leapfrog innovations taking place in a variety of disciplines and in research.

Selecting for resilience and efficiency: The solution for European cattle farming

Nicolas Friggens at the French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) discusses cattle farming resilience and efficiency with genomics in breeding programmes

Training & consultancy in effective governance, risk & compliance

Michael Wuestefeld-Gray at WuDo Solutions discusses how to deliver effective governance for the public, private and charity sectors.

The background scenario for Autonomous Shipping

Marco Molica Colella, project coordinator for AUTOSHIP, discusses the EU’s role in autonomous shipping and changing of transport emissions globally.

Low-cost high-productivity space science from Japan

NAOJ Director General Saku Tsuneta provides an overview of Japan’s involvement in space science.

Artificial Photosynthetic Chemical Process (ARPChem) project in Japan: achievements and future challenges

Here, Professor Kazunari Domen, Shinshu University and The University of Tokyo, summarizes the 10-year ARPChem project conducted from 2012 to 2022 under the support of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

eMOTIONAL Cities: Mapping cities through the senses of who make them

Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, eMOTIONAL Cities is a 48-month project, with a total budget of nearly €5 million, that is designed to fully characterise the intensity and complexity of urban health challenges and inequalities.

Are Community Diagnostic Hubs the way forward?

Medispace, a provider of fully equipped MRI trailers and CT trailers, looks to the future of community diagnostic hubs, advocating for much-needed changes to be implemented.

How to predict the remaining lifecycle of mechanical products

Researchers are working on a non-destructive method to measure strains, that can estimate the remaining lifecycle of mechanical products.

The Mindtooth system: Measuring human mental and emotional states   

The Mindtooth system is a brand new wearable device for non-invasive real-time brain measurement in everyday life.


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