Ivan Toplak, Professor from the University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty, reveals what we know about honeybee viral strains and transmission between honeybee colonies.
Pascale V Guillot, Associate Professor at University College London, investigates the possibility of exosome therapy for those living with brittle bone disease.
Nicola Hemmings, workplace scientist at Koa Health, and Dr Claire Vowell, lead psychologist, discuss how mental health conditions exist across a continuum and address what organisations can do to better support those who do not have a mental health diagnosis.
Recent years have seen an increase in techniques developed for spatial transcriptomics, enabling gene expression patterns to be uncovered within intact, three-dimensional tissues.
Lynn Brandenberger, Professor of Horticultural Food Crops and Ajay Nair Associate Professor Extension Vegetable Specialist, discuss the importance of soil care for crop production, particularly when it comes to soil organic matter
Kensuke Harada from Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, provides an introduction to and analysis of a move towards artificial intelligence (AI)-based technology in industrial robots.
Daniela Jacob, Director of Institute Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), explains how the Climate Services journal brings us the latest details about science for practice.
Jeff Wyrtzen, Chief Marketing & Business Development Officer at Brainomix, explores a study proving that e-Stroke software improves stroke treatment rates
It is increasingly important to be able to predict the conditions affecting the generation, distribution and consumption of energy. VTT EnergyTeller is lending a hand
Alison White, co-founder workplace designers and change advisers PLACEmaking, discusses the shift in our mentality towards a work-life balance post pandemic