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Navigating the future of AI in schools: Transforming challenges into opportunities

Sendient Ltd navigates the future of AI in schools, explaining how this is transforming challenges into opportunities.

Remote Care in Action: Results from the NHS

High-quality, patient-centric care is indispensable, particularly when remote. Current Health’s care-at-home platform assists healthcare organisations in delivering this promise.

Developing sources of up-to-date labour market information

Paddy Bradley, CEO of Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership, describes developing sources of up-to-date labour market information to support decision making and track progress again set goals.

The future of vascular imaging technology

Researchers from Kyoto University Hospital and Preemptive Medicine and Lifestyle Related Disease Research Center, describe the future of vascular imaging technology, including how photoacoustic imaging targets tumour vessels in breast cancer.

Vacant buildings with a social conscience

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management Ltd, considers the social consciousness of vacant buildings.

Importance of medicolegal death investigation

Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, Chief Medical Examiner at Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, describes the importance of medicolegal death investigation, an important function for governments around the world.

How organisations respond to the demand for workplace change

Fintan Burke and Alison White of independent workplace designers, PLACEmaking, explore how organisations can meet the demand for workplace change post-COVID.

The expanding scope of cannabinoids in epilepsy

Arun Swaminathan MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Epilepsy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, details the expanding scope of cannabinoids in epilepsy.

Medical education: Past and present

L. Maximilian Buja, MD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, turns the spotlight onto medical education both past and present.

Constancy & plasticity in biology – the central role of hierarchical causal models

Ute Deichmann of the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben-Gurion University, explores the role hierarchical causal models have on constancy and plasticity in biology.

Supercharging biological carbon capture & food production

Richard T Sayre, Senior Research Scientist at New Mexico Consortium in the U.S., walks us through engineering improved photosynthesis for enhanced food production & carbon sequestration.

Stabilization in Physically Unclonable Constants

Prof Riccardo Bernardini from the University of Udine tells us about the importance of stabilization in Physically Unclonable Constants.

Apoptosis: A key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd., explores apoptosis, a key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis.

The future of regenerative cell therapeutics

Tobias Deuse, Cardiac Surgeon and Scientist at University of California San Francisco, reveals to us the future of regenerative cell therapeutics.

Delivering best practice back-office collaboration with ERP

Sally Murdoch, Director – Public Sector Marketing at Unit4, discusses how next generation ERP can improve back-office processes.

Biofunctional textiles through microencapsulation

Here, Professor Manuel José Lis Arias explains the benefits of smart biofunctional textiles.

A different view of cardiovascular hæmodynamics

Here, Professors Nigel Shrive and John Tyberg illustrate how their work has led to an alternative interpretation of hæmodynamics compared to the paradigm that was proposed over 60 years ago.


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