Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and from Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through the future of Taiwan wind farm block development.
Here, Takahira Yamaguchi from Keio University in Japan explores how an artificial intelligence robot works as part of a group discussion at a primary school.
Antoine Messéan, Research Manager and Lise Paresys, Scientific Officer for the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment in France, walk us through what we need to know about enhancing crop diversification to support transitions to sustainable agri-food systems.
BASE (Basel Agency For Sustainable Energy) explain to us their views on enabling a green economic COVID-19 recovery with energy efficiency investments, including analysis of the Energy Savings Insurance model.
Mark Daly, Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), HiLIFE at the University of Helsinki, shares his expertise on medical genetic research on a population scale in Finland.
Here, Project Coordinator of “Repro-light” Wilfred Pohl explains how the customisable and sustainable ‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise European lighting in the workplace.
Dr Juliana Bowles, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, discusses how to tackle polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques.
Professors Darren Griffin and Mike Bruford (Universities of Kent and Cardiff) discuss what is meant by a “whole genome sequence” and how it is revolutionising conservation efforts.
Here, OilsBySimpson Founder Kevin William Simpson, explains what current research shows about CBD’s effect on epilepsy and its applications as a treatment.
Dr Kim Hammond-Kosack, Research Programme Leader Wheat Pathogenomics at Rothamsted Research, explores how big data analyses and knowledge networks can be used to protect global wheat crops from infectious diseases.
Barry M. Popkin, The Global Food Research Program, shares the global experience with food industry self-regulation and reflects on how healthy eating promises are rarely met.
Dr Carlos Ziebert, head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how battery calorimetry can enhance the lifetime and safety of Lithium-ion and post-Li cells.