The Paris Agreement limited global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which still has devastating impacts for coral reefs – remaining on track for coral degeneration.
To combat mass production in fashion, researchers suggest a shift to mass customisation instead – which could work, if consumers are willing to wait...
Researchers suggest a digital track and trace system to encourage businesses to adopt reusable packaging and reduce waste, suggesting reasons why they may not have adopted them already.
Panama and other governments of tropical countries set out to understand how to inhibit deforestation and deliver reforestation tactics following the COP26 conference.
Following COP26, it is clear that local governments have a huge role to play in policy change and combatting socio-ecological challenges. To work towards global promises, they must listen to their communities, and here, we learn about innovative tools enabling them to do so.
Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy, Local Governments for Sustainability, tells us that city and region action keeps hope alive for COP26 outcomes
Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project, WILD Foundation & International Conservation Fund Canada, in the third part of a fascinating discussion about human-elephant coexistence, consider elephants, wildlife and how they help with climate change.