Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
Racial prejudice, fuelled by poor coping mechanisms and biased social media consumption, has shaped how the public view Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
President von der Leyen today (17 March) said that the Commission would limit vaccine deliveries to the UK if "the situation does not change" - suggesting that the drugmaker AstraZeneca is responsible for vaccination delays in the EU.
The National Audit Office released a report on the UK Government handling of primary and secondary remote learning during COVID-19 - they suggest the Government assess long-term impact on vulnerable pupils or risk an irreversible divide.
Jenn Markey, Product Marketing Director for Identity, Entrust, discusses the core requirements of a ‘digital immunity passport’ both from an ethics and practicality perspective.
Currently, several EU countries are suspending use of the AstraZeneca vaccine due to reports of blood clot risks - in response, people are speaking out about the higher risk of blood clots posed by contraceptive pills used globally.
Over the weekend, the Republic of Ireland suspended their use of AstraZeneca due to reports of blood clots in Norway - in response, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) says the AstraZeneca vaccine is still safe to use.
The US based vaccine appears to be 96.4% effective against the original COVID mutation, with 86% efficacy against the UK variant and only 55% against the South African variant.
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh are creating COVID-19 antibodies in llamas, to understand how humans could engineer better immune responses.
Rosie Copland-Mann, Creative Strategist at Rehab, discusses how digital therapies for mental health treatment has evolved, with a special focus on COVID-19.
A new report by the Public Accounts Committee found that the UK Test and Trace strategy, costing roughly £37 billion over two years, failed to ever meet 24 hour test result deadlines.
China have created a digital vaccine passport that can tell authorities if a person has taken the COVID vaccine or been sick with the virus recently - a clean record will be needed for citizens to enter grocery shops.
Fatima Katergi, Senior Programmes Officer and Abid Shah UK Programmes Manager at Human Appeal, describes the role of the humanitarian sector concerning emergency relief in a pandemic which is more difficult, but certainly more necessary.
Dr Ferruccio Berto, National Vice President and NLO for Foreign Affairs of the National Association of Italian Dentists, provides a dental industry perspective on the Italian approach to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to new data, COVID care home deaths in the United States are influenced by race - with majority non-White care homes experiencing 3.3 times more deaths.
Nishat spoke to Laura Fatio, co-founder of Refúgio 343, who discusses her work to support the Venezuelan refugee crisis in Brazil and how COVID changed things.