Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
The UK High Court ruled yesterday (28 April) that COVID policy in care homes was "unlawful" - releasing atleast 43,398 untested patients into care homes.
Andrea Welter, assistant head teacher from Pheasey Park Primary School, explains why successful catch-up programmes in education need to focus on closing the literacy gap.
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, calls attention to building a pan-European innovation potential ecosystem in health served with top-notch infrastructures.
Pregnant women sometimes have symptoms that could be either severe COVID-19 or preeclampsia - healthcare experts point out that time is of the essence in figuring it out.
Data from 50,000 Canadians finds that loneliness and depression were highest in women aged between 65 to 74, with two-thirds feeling separated from their family.
Health authorities find that there is no link between the COVID vaccine and the ongoing child hepatitis outbreak, which continues to spread across the UK.
Early into COVID-19 pandemic, almost half of all parents in the UK reported negative experiences of giving birth due to restrictions and poor communication.
Having lifted most of its COVID regulations – spikes in infections show that UK herd immunity through vaccination programmes is not efficient in the long run.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) say that the XE COVID variant (a mixture of two strains of Omicron) could be 10% more transmissible than Omicron itself.