
Flu cases surge in the UK hospitals while China battles human metapneumovirus

Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.

UK purchases additional 40 million doses of Valneva vaccine

The UK government has announced that it has secured early access to a further 40 million doses of the Valneva COVID-19 vaccine.

Third of Americans say they are unlikely to get COVID-19 vaccine

A new study by the University of California, Davis has found that a third of Americans are either unlikely or hesitant to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available.

Johnson & Johnson vaccine has 66% efficiency in one dose

New clinical trial data shows that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is able to give 66% protection against COVID in one dose - with an 85% efficiency at the standard double-dose.

Domestic abuse services receive £40m to support victims

Specialist support services for victims of rape and domestic abuse will receive an extra £40 million funding boost from the Government.

The EU authorises AstraZeneca COVID vaccine for use

European regulators have approved their third vaccine, AstraZeneca - which comes after a week of tense communications between the two parties.

Three ways to solve the logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines

An anonymous Doctor explains their ideas for how the NHS could tackle the significant logistical challenges of giving COVID vaccines.

Novavax vaccine is 85.6% efficient against UK COVID mutation

Phase Three data from the UK trial shows that Novavax still works powerfully against the UK mutation, with a less intense impact on the South African mutation at 60%.

AI technology can help tackle the cancer care backlog

Hugh Bettesworth, CEO, Mirada Medical, explores how AI autocontouring technology can help tackle the cancer care backlog as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Engineers design model for using one ventilator on two patients

Engineers at the University of Bath have published a mathematical model that could help clinicians to safely ventilate two COVID patients on one ventilator.

Is this a vaccine war or the first post-Brexit war?

Right now, the rift between AstraZeneca and the European Commission continues to grow - but is it a vaccine war or the first post-Brexit war?

1 in 3 adults are anxious about COVID-19

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School have reported that one in three adults are experiencing psychological distress related to COVID-19, including anxiety and depression.

REACT study: UK scientists aren’t seeing a “sharp drop in infections”

New data from the REACT study finds that the rising infection rate has steadied a little, but there is no "sharp drop in infections" as in the first wave and the R is still high.

COVID-19 mortality rates 13 times higher in pregnant women

According to a new study examining the effects of coronavirus in pregnant women, COVID-19 mortality rates showed to be 13 times higher in pregnant mothers.

AstraZeneca CEO discusses the European Commission vaccine feud

AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot spoke to Antonello Guerrera about the ongoing vaccine feud - with the Commission receiving 60% less than expected, raising tense questions about why.

UK hits melancholy milestone of over 100,000 COVID deaths

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that he had done "everything possible" to prevent 100,000 COVID deaths, as the UK witnesses 50,099 fatalities in the space of 79 days.

Antibiotics provide no benefit to COVID-19 patients

The PRINCIPLE trial has found that azithromycin and doxycycline do not provide any recovery benefits for COVID-19 patients.


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