Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
Two divisions of Active Care Group – Christchurch Group and Remeo – discuss the importance of infection prevention and control in the healthcare sector in light of COVID-19.
AFTER-BIOCHEM project aims at creating innovative and more sustainable value chains from renewable raw materials to multiple high added-value products at industrial scale.
With rising COVID-19 cases, secondary schools will officially remain shut until 18 January - but primary schools across the country have also decided to stay closed.
As of midnight tonight (20 December), London and the South East will enter strict Tier 4 restrictions - which includes no household mixing over Christmas, and no commuting to work.
Nadine Smith, UK Director, Centre for Public Impact, explores why the Government must learn to listen to the communities they so desperately want to share public health information with.
Here, Mark Clements, MD PhD, paediatric endocrinologist, clinical investigator, and chief medical officer at Glooko Inc. takes part in a Q&A regarding his perspectives on remote clinical trials and data management tools.
Wilke Reints, Managing Director of Siemens Mobility Limited’s Intelligent Traffic Systems business, turns our thoughts towards intelligent traffic systems (ITS) including comment on traffic volumes, air quality and electric vehicles.
Mauro Petriccione, Directorate-General for Climate Action at the European Commission, illustrates Europe’s plans for a green recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Charu Kaushic, Chair of GloPID-R, and Dr Geneviève Boily-Larouche, CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity, provide a perspective on pandemic preparedness and response, including lessons learned for global coordination among research funders.
Richard Cox, managing director of Langley Business Systems, gives an overview of the main ways hospitality businesses can maximise technology to navigate through the pandemic and ensure customers feel safe when visiting their premises.