Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
Simon Carter, Director at RM Education says that COVID-19 created deep-rooted education changes in the UK, and that we must now strengthen the world of online learning.
The Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine trial gave an accidental half-dose to 3,000 people - but this mistake is the reason the vaccine acted as 90% efficient.
Rachel Thrasher, Research Fellow at the Global Development Policy Center in Boston, says this time is different and the TRIPS Council knows it - the COVID-19 vaccine needs to be freely accessible to all countries.
COVID-19 came from Wuhan, China, but the conditions that enabled the virus to jump from animal to human are not unique - so where could the next pandemic begin?
The impact of COVID in Myanmar can be measured in the vindictively fast onset of poverty - with one third of households earning no money for the month.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday (23 November) announced his UK winter plan to the House of Commons, proposing a mass community testing scheme, stricter Tiers, and weekly tests for prison staff.
Today (20 November) Pfizer and BioNTech are sending their drug for approval to the FDA, meaning that the most vulnerable Americans could get the vaccine in December.
Asymptomatic older patients of COVID-19 are one of the most difficult to identify - now, researchers find that delirium could be an indicator of the virus
New research explores the link between ethnicity and ESKD, which finds that Afro-Caribbean patients are four times more likely to undergo COVID hospitalisation.
New data from the Oxford COVID vaccine trial shows that the UK antidote is working well at Phase two, with defining percentages expected after Phase Three is complete.