Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
Dr Simon Wallace, chief clinical information officer, Nuance, discusses the challenges of reimaging patient services for the ‘new normal’ and the continued importance of enabling the most efficient process of clinical documentation.
Mary Martin, director at UN Business and Human Security Initiative, LSE IDEAS, explains the necessity of open collaboration between the private sector and government.
Nishat spoke to Ed O’Donovan, Head of Protection at Front Line Defenders, to dissect pandemic obstacles faced by human rights defenders - especially Indigenous communities in Brazil.
Open Access Government explores the European Commission’s Department of Health and Food Safety’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and charts their next steps towards a vaccine for every European citizen.
Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, explores Commissioner Margaret Vestager’s current priorities for ensuring digital security, and how Europe can build a sustainable digital future post COVID-19.
Andre Laperriere, Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition shares his thoughts on battling a locust infestation in the time of a global pandemic.
Dr Lucy Viney, Clinical Psychologist and Co-Founder of the Fitzrovia Psychology Clinic underlines the importance of building psychological resilience in children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Peter Marsden, principal consultant at business change consultancy, Entec Si, discusses how the local government sector can build on the lessons learned from COVID-19.
The European Green Deal Call has opened for registrations to spur Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities.
David McKinney, Managing Director of Local Government at Servelec, discusses how councils can build on the digital progress they’ve made during COVID-19, and use mobile solutions to move towards true joined-up working.
Dr Lucy Chambers, Head of Research Communications at Diabetes UK, provides us with her thoughts on COVID-19 and diabetes, in terms of what do we (not) know.
Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, discusses research and innovation in Europe, and why in a post COVID-19 world, science is more important than ever.
Open Access Government investigates Portugal’s current strategies for improving research and innovation post COVID-19, and finds that knowledge and education are key.