Flu Season: New data from the NHS shows rapid rise in flu cases across the UK, whilst across the world, china continues its battle against human metapneumovirus virus.
William Copley, MD of Armstrong Bell, discusses why flexible working is vital for business survival in the event of a second wave and what business owners need to consider to implement long-term flexible working.
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Digital Healthcare Council members have mobilised at an unprecedented scale to support the NHS and social care, and its director, Graham Kendall, outlines here what has worked, and what needs to change.
Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation in France, weighs up the benefits and challenges of achieving open science in Europe.
Guy Battle, CEO of Social Value Portal urges us to take a moment to consider the value of the paper face mask to illustrate the wider point about creating additional social value for the work we do.
The role of technology and innovation in helping farmers overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and meet future demands are discussed here by David Green from the U.S. Sustainability Alliance.
According to a new report, strong European bio-based industries will allow the EU to accelerate the green economic recovery and the transition towards climate neutrality.
Craig Hartley, UK Business Development Manager for OPEX Business Machines GmbH explains how their solutions are helping both the NHS and the wider Public Sector achieve digital transformation.
Here, Richard Beardsworth continues his series on the nature of progressive state leadership, asking how the present merger of British diplomacy and development could promote progressive global leadership in a post-Brexit UK.
Josep Figueras and Anna Sagan from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies focus here on antimicrobial resistance and ponder whether or not this could be the next big pandemic.
A new proposal for virtual tourism using livestreaming and mathematical techniques could help revitalise an industry that has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new study combines genomics from COVID-19 samples with computer-simulated epidemics and travel records to reconstruct the virus' spread across the world.
Dr William Dawson, CEO of OneMedical Group – a national health and wellbeing company delivering NHS services, system leadership and consultancy across the UK – discusses the adoption of technology and opportunities in healthcare post COVID-19.