Richard Farrell, Chief Innovation Officer at Netcall, talks about the challenges that local councils have faced and the role that low-code technology can and should play in enabling local authorities to guide and support citizens.
Nick Smee, CEO of Yotta, explores the digital resident demands and funding issues that councils face may this year and considers the steps they can to take re-evaluate their technology investments, reduce operational costs and better manage budget allocation.
David McKinney, Managing Director of Local Government at Servelec, discusses how councils can build on the digital progress they’ve made during COVID-19, and use mobile solutions to move towards true joined-up working.
Councillor Helen Godwin, Cabinet Member for Women, Children and Young People on Bristol City Council, discusses the work being done by Bristol City Council to eradicate period poverty.
To encourage and inspire new potential foster carers to step forward, Bristol City Council decided it needed to understand just what nudges people over the line, and what holds them back.
Anique Bravenboer, alliance manager, Yotta, explores the ways in which councils have been adapting in order to continue to deliver essential services during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Philip Turvey, Executive Director of Anglia Research, explains the risks of collusion local authorities face with cases of probate – and how councillors can clamp down on the issue.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick MP has announced that councils will receive a further £112 million to go towards the governments rough sleeping programme.
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has announced that councils will be able to access almost £4 million in new government funding, as part of a crackdown on criminal landlords.
Councils have been awarded over £500,000, from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s Local Digital Fund, to fund seven digital technology projects exploring the use of digital technology to improve local public services.
Richard Betts, CEO of Local Government at Servelec, discusses how local authorities are transforming data and information flow through interoperability.
Paul Doe, Regional Director, MLL Telecom discusses how public sector connectivity means so much more to local councils than increased bandwidth, looking at how local government can tailor the procurement process to make the most of connectivity contracts to benefit local citizens.