In the possible event of a pandemic, the UK has secured 5 million doses of an H5 influenza vaccine to stay one step ahead of the avian influenza virus.
PinPoint Data Science addresses the acute challenges of cancer diagnostics in the post-COVID NHS. Could their innovative machine learning platform be the low-cost, high-impact solution UK healthcare needs?
Shiao Fong Yee, Marketing Communications Manager at Novacyt Group, discusses the importance of rapid testing to differentiate between COVID-19 and other infections in light of facing winter respiratory viral challenges.
Lauren Kitz, Director of Engagement at the World Justice Project, argues that data-driven solutions are needed to reverse the pandemic-era decline in access to justice.
Dr Glass, Director of the Fogarty International Center, and Director at the NIH, explores the relationship between NIH and the health research community
A US study found higher blood pressure levels were associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, due to stay-at-home orders impacting healthy lifestyle behaviours.
New technology could be used to help doctors make the most of limited resources during COVID-19 by identifying patients in need of intensive care treatment
Nordic countries are typically associated with high standards of living, high investment in the public health sector and low population density. Here, Biljana Stangeland...
New research analyses mutation types occurring in the Coronavirus after infection in cats, dogs, ferrets, and hamsters, studying cross-species transmission in animals.
A device created to identify viruses in humans, like COVID-19, has sustained 95% accuracy in results, as a significant improvement over the current rapid tests available.
To help meet the increased demand from the pandemic, the government has funded £5 million to services to prevent suicide, including charities, NHS and social care staff, and high-risk groups.
Health charities have come into collaboration with the government and the NHS to promote and advance vaccine update, as UK hits its next milestone in the vaccine rollout.
An algorithm can predict the severity of COVID patients' illnesses depending on how many of them will be highly likely or unlikely to need intensive care or ventilation.
Scientists have identified coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 from bats sampled in Cambodia, suggesting SARS CoV-2 has a much larger geographic distribution than previously assumed.