A recent systematic review led by researchers from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) in Brazil has revealed the connection between physical activity (PA) and sleep quality in older adults who experienced social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We spoke to Dr Joanne Hackett, Former Chief Commercial Officer of Genomics England and Regional Board Member of Movement Health 2030, about how genomic...
With mental health issues on the rise, Ryan Exley from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health explains why organisations must understand risk factors for poor mental health at work and implement measures to protect the wellbeing of their staff.
Here, Patricia Beattie-Huggan, President and Principal Consultant from The Quaich Inc, provokes a discussion on how collective leadership can bridge the gap between evidence and action, with examples from the Canadian context.
Safaa Moussa, Rokayya Konswa, and Dalia Samhouri, from WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, explain the importance of investing in risk communication and community engagement.
Paul Sommerfeld, Executive Trustee, TB Alert and Chair, TB Europe Coalition, walks us through tackling tuberculosis. We hear that while there are continuing problems, there are finally grounds for optimism.
Researchers at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai prove that the COVID-19 vaccination is associated with fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular issues.
Sandra Gallina, Director General at Directorate-General Sante (DG SANTE), European Commission, explains how the new EU Global Health Strategy steps up the EU’s role to deliver better health.
Digital transformation offers many organisations the opportunity to reduce costs, offer superior service and certainly, in Healthcare, improve outcomes. Paul Grosvenor, MD at Optima Systems, an information technology company based in West Sussex, recounts his experiences to date.