Here, Achraf El Allali, Associate Professor of Bioinformatics at University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), explores how innovative technologies can help cultivate a more resilient agricultural ecosystem.
Overheating is creating issues for agriculture across the globe - now, scientists think that adapting plant roots to the heat could protect food security.
The UPSCALE project aims to achieve food security in sub-Saharan Africa by using nature-based solutions inspired by push-pull technology to close the yield gap in smallholder agriculture.
Graham Brookes, Agricultural Economist with PG Economics, UK, charts how the development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, derived using techniques of genetic modification, highlight ideological inconsistency and hypocrisy.
Jane Mills, University of Gloucestershire, tells us about the SPRINT project’s aim to tackle the impacts of pesticides on human, animal and environmental health.
The future development of a truly sustainable food system relies heavily on the diversification of protein sources, highlights Dr Emanuele Zannini, Project Coordinator of the EU funded Smart Protein Project.
An interdisciplinary research team found that conservation efforts aiming to "return land to a pristine state" without humans will fail - as Indigenous societies are responsible for "millennia" of biodiversity.
Charlotte Coates, Peter G. Kevan & Saira Espinosa from the University of Guelph, explore how apivectoring is innovating agricultural systems with its method of precision biological control.
David Green, Executive Director at U.S. Sustainability Alliance and a commentator and advisor on food and agriculture for GreenOrange, argues that gene-edited crops are not GMOs 2.0.