The Artificial Intelligence Action Summit: Global leaders to tackle crucial ethical questions surrounding AI—what solutions might emerge from this dialogue?
Twitter announced that it will ban political advertisements beginning 15 November and Facebook remains defiant on the issue despite Cambridge Analytica.
Research by Park Place Technologies finds 83% of IT departments struggle to invest in public sector tech: Why is this, when digital transformation is a recognised inevitability?
Neil Laycock, Managing Director of Healthcare, Servelec, explores the potential for digital solutions to change the narrative on managing precious assets in the healthcare environment.
Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) have a key role to play in safeguarding the data increasingly stored in the cloud and mitigating cybersecurity threats, while also ensuring compliance with IT regulations, standards, and policies.
Of the digitisation projects ongoing at St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals (STHK) NHS Trust, electronic prescribing and medicines administration (EPMA) represents the biggest step forward for patient safety.
Here, we discuss an EU-funded project on financial technologies which intends to create an open-source risk management platform for blockchain and AI apps in finance.
As more businesses invest in surveillance technology to monitor and track employees in the workplace, questions are raised around whether the benefits override growing concerns around digital ethics.
New research from the BlackBerry Cylance Threat Intelligence Team has uncovered a trove of highly sensitive data, suggesting an increased cybercrime risk.
External and internal attackers are drawn to healthcare sector due to the value of the vast amounts of personal health information (PHI) these organisations manage.
Here, Christel Quek, Co-founder of BOLT, discusses the progressive potential of blockchain globally via appropriate use of digital media privacy that would open up a reward-based ecosystem.
NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.
Research from IDEX Biometrics ASA has revealed there is now demand amongst consumers for organisations to adopt fingerprint authentication to better protect their data.