What groundbreaking strategies are redefining government technology for sustainability in the 2023-2024 report? Discover the future of environmental stewardship now.
A new study links a recent rise in infant mortality in England to poverty, which they find is partly linked to the insufficient and inaccessible welfare system.
As globalisation accelerates, our borders are becoming more difficult to manage. Here Ray Batt, Director, Border Security Programmes Europe, Unisys explores how we need to assess risk at the borders and how we trade in future.
Scientists at the University of Cambridge recently found that childhood obesity is associated with differences in brain structure, compared to the brains of children who are normal weight.
The news that the UK Government is investing in artificial intelligence is hugely welcome, but to truly reap the benefits, AI must be part of a wider scheme of data utilisation, digital process automation and citizen engagement. Peter Ford, Public Sector Industry Principal, Pegasystems tells us more.
Here, we find out about the desire for Europe to become a world leader in the field of supercomputing, with comment from Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG CONNECT at the European Commission.
In this exclusive interview with Prof Olufunmilayo Lesi, Regional Medical Officer for Viral Hepatitis from the World Health Organization (WHO) Office for the Africa Region, discusses tackling viral hepatitis in Africa.
Here, four experts from the National Science Foundation reveal their thoughts about building an advanced computing ecosystem for 21st-century research and education.
Steven Sprague, Cofounder and CEO of Rivetz shares his thoughts on the importance of protecting the supply chain of data, ensuring all transactions are purposeful, intended and compliant.
Data linkage and sharing for healthy longevity together present a global challenge, in the view of Prof Makoto Suematsu, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and Rihana Diabo at the World Economic Forum.
Richard Betts, CEO of Local Government at Servelec, discusses how local authorities are transforming data and information flow through interoperability.
Jose Merino, CEO of LDJ Digital explains here how Share Internet Data Ltd (SID) is expanding its mobile network to include the unbanked with its exciting LDJ Digital app.
Andree Woodcock, a Professor from Coventry University, tells us what we need to know about the H2020 TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gender Observatory) project that concerns the role of women in transport and the need to reduce inequalities in smart mobility.