What groundbreaking strategies are redefining government technology for sustainability in the 2023-2024 report? Discover the future of environmental stewardship now.
Mission impossible? Nokia and AST SpaceMobile are partnering to increase mobile connectivity around the world. In this article, we’ll explore how these companies plan to expand global coverage.
Why has Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) changed, and how is geospatial data being under-utilised for fund managers and real estate portfolio holders?
After a decade of financial instability, the COVID-19 pandemic, and a period of rising demand for services, robust financial planning and data visibility is more important to the public sector than ever.
Sally Murdoch, Public Sector Director from Unit4 discusses breaking down silos to create a data-driven culture in government and public administration.
More public bodies are shifting to cloud models, with data sovereignty being one of the key compliance issues they face - but what are the risks of a multicloud environment?
Andy Lethbridge, Head of Consulting, central government, at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, discusses why graduates, apprentices and interns are critical for the public sector.
Hannah Alexander, Junior Data Scientist at Ascent, shares her journey into data and gives insight for young women to join the tech movement early on and revolutionise female data science.
David Shannon, SAS UK & Ireland, discusses how departments can achieve cost savings whilst improving the efficiency of public service via hyperautomation.
Rocío de León, the UK Account Manager at Innova-tsn, looks at AI & ML use in the public sector, which is key to the government’s digital transformation.
Sean Millwaters, VP Sales EMEA, Cellebrite, discusses how South Wales Police is transforming law enforcement by leveraging smart technology and digital intelligence to protect and save lives.
Digital connectivity has ingrained itself into our daily life and is now as crucial to businesses and communities as any other utility. That’s why we must begin to close the digital divide.
As student-led learning behaviours become more varied, engaging students with a one-size-fits-all approach will no longer be effective in fostering the best learning and belonging.