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NHS delivers over 2 Million extra appointments, helping reduce NHS waiting times

The NHS has exceeded its target of delivering two million more elective care appointments, seven months ahead of schedule.

What should hospitals consider when using Artificial Intelligence in the ER?

Mary Hardcastle at RapidAI looks at the advancements in health tech, explaining what hospitals need to do to implement Artificial Intelligence in the ER.

Interoperable health systems needed for digital future & improved patient care

Professor Peter Bannister explores the need for interoperable health records to ensure a digital future for healthcare.

NHS App services cut emissions from over 20,000 car journeys 

By using the NHS App services, fewer people are commuting to their GPs for health advice - cutting 22,000 car journeys a month.

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.

European Health Data Space could change EU health dynamics

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) proposes infrastructural change in how data is used across healthcare in the EU.

NHS Parkinson’s watch to help manage care at home

A Parkinson's watch is being given to patients with the condition, in an effort to improve NHS remote monitoring.

5 ways to boost ROI from hybrid working in healthcare

Keith Ali, MD at Creative ITC, explains how healthcare organisations can unlock the full benefits of remote and hybrid working in healthcare.

The institutionalisation of fear: Global digital surveillance with dubious pandemic legitimacy

Regina Surber, PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich and Scientific Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, discusses how digital surveillance is increasing worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital pathology ecosystem & AI for the future of medicine

Mr Sanj Lallie, Commercial Director of Digital Pathology from Source LDPath, describes the pathway for a nationwide uptake of digital pathology and Al to build the future of medicine.

Patients can now check status of NHS COVID backlog

The platform, My Planned Care, will let patients check local hospital waiting times for specialist treatment - in order to fight the NHS COVID backlog.

Agile, low code software – leading public sector digital transformation

Pete Wilson, Industry CTO, Public Sector – EMEA, Pegasystems, reveals how agile, low code software is leading digital transformation

Real-world evidence set to turbo boost personalised healthcare

Richard Armstrong, head of registries at NEC Software Solutions UK, puts real-world evidence under the microscope and examines how, as our population ages it has the power to speed up medical interventions at scale.

AI & cancer: Big data, big gains for medicine

Orlando Agrippa, CEO and Founder of RwHealth, turns the spotlight on AI and cancer, where big data brings big gains for medicine

Health Technology Assessment: Bridging the gaps to build a strong European Health Union

Director General at DG SANTE, tells how the Health Technology Assessment bridges the gaps to build a strong European Health Union

Eyes on Planned Care

In a previous article, Lisa Riley, Vice President of Strategic Product and Partnership Development for VitalHub UK, cited how digital healthcare is helping to transform the NHS through whole system integration in planned care, here Stuart Jeffery talks from a customer perspective.

Partnership is the key to unlocking transformation in digital healthcare

Professor Sultan Mahmud, Director of Healthcare for BT’s Enterprise unit, discusses how BT is redefining its healthcare ambitions through co-creating NHS-first solutions with its vanguard partners.


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