Martin Warden, NHS Digital’s Programme Director for Digital Transformation in General Practice, charts the importance of the new GP IT Futures Digital Care Services framework.
Martin Seychell, Deputy Director-General for Health at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), explains why the European Commission cares about the digital transformation of healthcare.
Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, Directorate-General Communications Network, Content and Technology (DG Connect), European Commission, speaks to OAG about AI and digital transformation in healthcare.
Public's ‘artificial intelligence hesitancy’ could hinder healthcare innovation and boost health inequalities, University of Westminster-led study finds.
Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO of Content Guru, highlights how Commissioners are shifting from organisational-focused to patient-centric, outcome-driven models to deliver digitally-connected health.
A move towards mobile healthcare with medical-internet of things (IoT) devices is placed under the spotlight here in an insightful piece from Prof D. Chen-Yi Lee from Department of Electronics Engineering, at the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan.
Karl Lankford, for BeyondTrust, explores previous attacks to industry and draws on findings from an access threat report: Cyberattacks are putting lives at risk via administrative back doors left open.
Patients to benefit from AI, machine learning and hand-held devices as newly-funded digital projects by pioneering companies point to future of healthcare.
Peter Robins, from Metabolic Health Solutions (MHS), describes how a new clinical management tool can help individualise treatment of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Genevieve Leveille, Venture Partner of BioLife and Co-Chair of the TechUK DLT Working Group explores how current advances in DLT will improve the world’s biomedical supply chains when it comes to life sciences health care
Riina Sikkut, Minister of Health and Labour of the Republic of Estonia offer her thoughts on personalised medicine and how this is breaking down healthcare silos
Ethical Healthcare Consulting asks if current suppliers can survive the coming revolution as the company looks to the future of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR).