Teemu Vieruaho, Head of Intelligent Automation, Digital Workforce, discusses how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can help fight the public sector’s battle against COVID-19.
Evgeny Barkov, Business Development Manager at Polys, explores how we can we better prepare for pandemics and keep our processes efficient when it comes to democratic proceedings, collective decisions and annual meetings of NGOs.
Richard Blanford, Chief Executive of Fordway, discusses how technology procurement frameworks help organisations speed up purchasing and obtain better value services.
Stopping smoking is one of the most effective ways to protect your health from COVID-19, but there is a lack of digital resources available to help smokers quit during the coronavirus crisis. Alan Sutherland, CEO of Kind Consumer Ltd, shares his thoughts here.
Dr Andrew Larner, Chief Executive at not-for-profit government consultancy iESE, explains how local authorities can meet their duty under The Care Act to show they have assessed an individual’s needs whilst protecting care market viability and value for money.
David Rees, head of local government services at PA Consulting, discusses how local authorities can protect vulnerable residents by using assistive technology to maintain their vital social care services during COVID-19 isolation.
Sarah Bro Trasmundi, Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, provides a fascinating look at reading in the age of digitalisation and how media shape the reader’s thinking.
Mariann Hardey, associate professor of marketing at Durham University Business School, discusses how ‘self-isolation’ from the coronavirus could be a catalyst to making a much-needed change in the way in which we see remote working.
Martin Warden, NHS Digital’s Programme Director for Digital Transformation in General Practice, charts the importance of the new GP IT Futures Digital Care Services framework.
Alyn Hockey, VP of Product Management at IT security firm, Clearswift, discusses why effective and smarter cyber security has to underpin Europe’s digital future.